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.About Me.
muhammad nazrul nizam
20 and still going
now in Kisarazu, Japan
mostly anything related with music. nowadays i love to go to concert and live. can play guitar but not that good. have some collection of cds mostly
punk/emo/ska bands. love to travel with friends and visit
new places.

single and available

my fotopages


teo & tracy



©Copyright Doink

Monday, July 04, 2005 (10:03 PM) -
Tired Weekend

yeah... it was a tired weekend for me. attending sport festival and jalan jalan kat tokyo. fooh... the sport festival was fun. i met with lots of people and became friend with one or two of them. its really nice to know people that was from the same region as you. FYI i lost badminton to vietnamese. hehe... actually me and my partner, ah boon should have won but we just blom panas lagi at that time hehe... and at the same time, me and ah boon became friend with two nice vietnamese. tin and miya. they were really nice and clever too. miya is from todai (the famous tokyo university) while tin is from tokodai (like MIT).

after the festival, went to watch movie at kabukicho. just me, paklan, nadia, munzir and ijat. we watched uchuu no sensou (war of the world). i think it was a great movie. especially the graphic. 5 out of 5!!! but paklan and others think it was a waste of time and money. maaa... hito ni yotte chigau yo. hehe. we went back to the student house (where we usually stay when we came to tokyo) after the show and the next day faiz came and we went to mahathir restaurant for lunch. i had 1200yen nasil lemak here. yeah... expensive, i know....

after lunch we went to harajuku (again?), lepak lepak and then went back to kisarazu. during journey back, made something for my brother. hehe.... and it is a secret thing. so.. it was a tired day.


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stevelee67 said...

seems u have great time...yeah we sud have won over those vietnamese..!! miya n tinh is nice fren though but jus fren...haha

10:07 AM  

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