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.About Me.
muhammad nazrul nizam
20 and still going
now in Kisarazu, Japan
mostly anything related with music. nowadays i love to go to concert and live. can play guitar but not that good. have some collection of cds mostly
punk/emo/ska bands. love to travel with friends and visit
new places.

single and available

my fotopages


teo & tracy



©Copyright Doink

Wednesday, July 06, 2005 (8:57 PM) -
My New Boombox!

yeah, a new entertainment in my room. i bought it yesterday. thought it would be packed in a little box but i was wrong... had to carry it about 7km with my bicycle. lucky that ah boon was with me at that time. takla nampak ganjil bawak kotak besar naik beskal sesorang. i've been looking for mini compo when i just came here... this new panasonic 710sd really caught my eyes with its new playable sd card. very cool. i bought black color coz i think its cool and kind of mystery... ya know.. and i like black, besides blue... ok ok... actually i wanted to buy the white one but the white one has finished.. i have to wait for the next day... naa... then thats why i chosed black. i cant longer wait for tomorrow haha. the sound is good... better than my pc speaker. it can play wma and mp3... so its really my stuffs. anyway, the mini compo is made in malaysia... hehe... beli jauh jauh last last made in malaysia... takpe, at least i can be proud of it. now my room is 80% perfect. just waited for other two things.... ps2 and of coz, big screen flat tv... not plasma la. my bro will send my ps2 from malaysia... after i get the ps2, then i will think about the tv. hehe... bile dah beli nanti ade la citer pasal tu... jgn risau. yosh!!!


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Kelly^-^ said...

walau,so nice lar..maybe wll visit ur room someday..=p

2:06 AM  

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