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.About Me.
muhammad nazrul nizam
20 and still going
now in Kisarazu, Japan
mostly anything related with music. nowadays i love to go to concert and live. can play guitar but not that good. have some collection of cds mostly
punk/emo/ska bands. love to travel with friends and visit
new places.

single and available

my fotopages


teo & tracy



©Copyright Doink

Sunday, June 26, 2005 (3:31 AM) -
Not About Me

well... long time no update... sorry. last week was great. saturday i went to see my school gig and have some fun collecting shell with other oversea students here at kisarazu. well that was last week... lazy to write about it again (actually i'd written about it but somehow this blogger got a problem and the long interesting-full of exitement-written story was erased just like that... im so angry about it and boikot my own blog for a week. hehe) this week... just passed by like a normal week for me. but not for somebody else.

yeah... we often think that its just enough for us to be happy and then we shouldn't think about anything else anymore. well... thats not right (for me). actually i shouldn't talk about wut im going to talk later but i just feel i want to write something about it without making any publicity and i dont know where i should write about it if not my own blog so that it can be a lesson to other people and me of coz. i know i will (when i got the same problem in my life later i can easily read about it here...) well... maybe i will write a little... a secure one.. i dont want to be hated by anyone. and i think this site secure enough... who else read my blog other than my bro, ainee (she's my blog maniac), syieda (unlike ainee she like to keep herself invisible but i know she read my blog :), wong? r u there? hehe... and other friends to name a few... rumors said my father read my blog... huhu... scared.... ok back to the story... its about my friend. yup... this is not about me anymore... its about other people's life.

he has or should i say had a gf. his gf is my friend also. they were together for about a year (or more?). i look up to them... they were my idols. i love them. they were like a perfect couple to me. but somehow, we all not perfect.. yeah... we have to accept that. they broke up. i know that i dont have anything to do with their break up but the way they broke up... just break my heart. they not supposed to be like this. its like watching your favourite band broke up. yeah.. just like gin blossoms and fenix tx. they produced a very good album and a promising one but something came and they just broke up... just like that.... why we making relationship when we know it will just going nowhere... we just make a false hope to people around us and especially to our partners. and wut i learned from this story is life will not always be fairy tales. yeah... fairy tales.. the story we've been told by our parents when we just a little child.

maybe im just making this a big deal. but i know this is very important to our life (if not i will not going to write about it at 4.00 in the morning). maybe not now but someday. thats wut life about. we creating it by making other people's life as a guidance. learn from them. i know i've learn something today. and i will not do the same to the one i love (you know who u r :)) this is a promise i made to myself. and i only hate 2 people in this world . people that cant keep his promise... and the dutch! (hehe... the second one was a lie... i like austin powers!!!) so if i cant keep my promise i will hate myself.. for the rest of my life.

huh... little huh... anyway im also not a perfect person (eventhough theres someone here that always say that i am a perfect guy... and he keep saying i am like a celebrity here at this school.. but i think he just want to make me super happy and then he can used me or something like that... always cannot trust niggers... they just sweet in talking...)so if i make any mistake here... just forgive me and you can freely argue with me by write your own comments. i hope for a comment here... just to make sure that i am right about this.


.Previous Posts.



b_complex07 :) said...

life isnt always fair, u know ;)

11:42 AM  
Anonymous said...

bigg said: tak baik panggil org itam nigger? nak tgk gambar baby tak? hehe...

jgn risau pasal relationship sangat, because in the end true love prevails. kemenangan cinta sejati...

2:53 PM  
stevelee67 said...

haha...begitu bahaya ke dia!! neway couple mmg camtu la.. pisah2 tu dptla pengalaman!!

8:30 PM  

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