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destrux Industries

Todays date is:

This site is for 18 and over, but only because congress has proved that kids will shoot each other when they see the word "fuck".

By viewing the contents of this website, you agree to the terms listed in the disclaimer.

Site News:

How often do you forget where you are and what you're doing?
Once a week.
Twice a month.
Every other day..
Where am I?.. damn! what was I doing..
Only after sex.

Mindless Bullshit:

I finally got a webcam (for $10 brand new! and it's an intel) and it's up and running now, so check it out.


-Webcam- Now you can see me being bored and harassing people, live.

-Text Files- how to get free shit, cause disruption, and other ways to harass people and make your life better.

-Apps- useful tools and applications I've found. (virus removers, telnet clones, irc stuff, ect...)

-Games- Drug Lords, Washed Up Celeb Dunking..Currently Under Construction.

-Picture Index- all the fuct up pictures I have time to post.

-Links- A few sites that aren't written by throwing shit at the keyboard..

-Message Board- Post questions, bullshit, ideas, whatever.(Start a new thread for each new topic/question, or die.)

-Guestbook- View it or Sign it.


Current Quote:[00:18] -Siannan- They call it the "Magical Golden Nugget, full of real chicken flavor!"

Search term:
Case-sensitive - yes
exact fuzzy

The national debt sucks: