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Demona Stryker's Description

Demona's Condensed Description
Demona's Pictures
Demona's Rules
Out of Character Information

Tall and lithe, she looks like a cream colored greyhound with ice-blue markings. She comes from a race of people, half-human and half-canine, that her family ruled over with iron fists. She has an air of nobility about her that comes from her excellent breeding. Her genetics were carefully planned. She was bred for beauty, intellect, and health. It seems they forgot about temperament, however. She has the heavy hand of her noble father (his harems were filled with frightened, quivering girls who never lived very long) and the impatience and calculating manner of her queen-mother (her servants and ladies-in-waiting trembled constantly in unconcealed fear). Coming to Furcadia not long ago after escaping from a betrothal she did not want, she carries on her cruel ways. Walking through the crowded streets, she carries her head high with pride.

She has hands, not paws, with long delicate fingers. Her body is covered in the soft, short fur that comes with her breed. Her face is finely sculpted with a high brow, long snout and white, pristine teeth. Her body is long and lean with a flat stomach, high, proud breasts and small curved hips. Her tail is long and skinny and almost whip-like. She bears one scar, a branding of her family symbol, meaning "ruler" in kanji, on the nape of her neck. The scar is covered by her soft indigo hair, which reaches down to her hips. She usually wears greys and blacks, preferring to let her natural markings stand out rather than her clothing. If she is wearing any other color, she is usually in a very good mood. She favors a style consisting of corsets laced up the front and long flowing skirts, coupled with calf-high boots.

Seen with her at most times is her lame and mute human slave, Conor (gealic for "lover of dogs"). He is small in stature and walks with a pronounced limp. She has a soft spot for him and he is treated with kindness. He carries her bag and does many small tasks.

Her bag is backpack shaped and made of a soft black leather. It holds many toys for pleasure as well as torture, and many other assorted objects that she pulls out as needed.

Demona requires just a few things of her slaves. They must be completely loyal to her only and show respect. Each of them is given a collar, the appearace of which is governed by her favor of them. A basic level 1 collar is plain brown leather with her family symbol on it. Her slaves are required to wear their collar at all times so that it is known that they are owned. None of her slaves are rentable unless she has permitted it (usually a rentable slave has fallen from her favor). She has no prejudices about race or sex and accepts all kinds of beings into her service.

Demona is almost constantly lonely, regardless of how many slaves and servants she surrounds herself with. She longs for a mate, but has not found one who rises to her standards. If she can dominate them, they will never make a good mate.

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