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Rob Winn's Page O' Craftyness


My name Is Rob, as you may have already noticed, you may know me but you probably don't. I'm just a semi-normal teen living in a mid-sized city in the most super boring state in the US.

Stuff About Me?

There's nothing to really know about me.
I'm 17 (since i've done this page i have now turned 18...i've only been 18 for about 15 minutes...but i'm still 18...dagnabit!!), i'm a senior in High School at Northeast High, but if you saw me you'd probably think i was much younger(well....another change has occured, i am no longer a senior in high school, but i am now a freshmen in college, well in about a week anyways;yippie...(well looky here i changed this again arr... second semester in college now WAHOO!!) ), and i don't really do much of anything. (((((i'm 19 now, wahoo!!))))i'm almost 23... eat it jerks)
Currently i am attempting to learn to skateboard(i gave that up), i play much video games(not really), and i hang out at this Tim guy's house(that was about 5 years ago). If you did know me then you'd know how big a dork i am(i freakin rule now).


Why did i make this page? Well, thats easy. It's now 2:35 on a Tuesday and i'm very bored, thats a.m., not p.m., it's the end of december and there is no snow, snow rules, and i was looking at a friend of mines webpage and i thought i'd make another one, i had one but it was an all Dragonball page and it got deleted somehow but i decided to make a page about me so that maybe on the occasion some lost person will find this page and find out that there are bigger losers in the world (not anymore... if some poor chump winds up here he's just gonna feel like some poor jerk... cause thats what he is... a jerk chump) and they might feel a little better about themselves, i'm a pessimist with no self-esteem if you didn't know (found my self-esteem it was in a box... right where i left) it.


Crafty is a word that i use much more than i should. I use it as an adjective much like the word cool. like you would say, "That Shirt is cool!" where as i would say "That shirt is Crafty!", or "That shirt is super mad crafty!" there are many variations. I like to throw in many extra word to make sentences even more incomprehensible. (such as: mad, gumby, crafy, gold, fly), excuse me if i tend to ramble on about who knows what (i have honestly never used the word crafty in a real world situation... the origin of the craftyness comes from a drunken story from my when i was was some other guy who was drunk though).


I'll add more stuff to this page. Pics of friends ((problably not of me, cause i don't like pictures or myself)nope) maybe some links to my friends pages and some other cool stuff. Who knows...( just to let you know if you happen to be new to this page, there will be no pictures besides the one that i here, and if you didn't already know about the picture here... you are a loser.)

Day 2|Day 3: Risk!!|Day 5: Caffine!!|Day 6: Bendorf!!Day 7

Day 8: Bright Yellow Disk|Day 9: Warcraft!!|Day 10: No Skateboard

Day 13: Crafty Chair|Day 15: Skateboard!!|Day 16|Day 20|Day 23: No Good

Day 33: I just don't know|Day 57: New Computer!! Day 74: DIGGER!! Day ??1: Spring Break!!

Day ??2: Angry III |Day??3: There is a...nother| Day??4: Stuff (even more this time)

Day??5: They've Done it again...| Day??6: Zeal| Day??7: Timmy the Turtle| Day??8: GUI| Day??9: Summer Gone

Day??10: Gwambo the Gerbil| Day??10: Foiled Again| Day??11: Butterkinfee McDoogle| Day??11: Duval

Day??12: Long Time Ago| Day??13: 311| Day??13(2): 3 people | And on and on...| Hot Chicks

Broken Boards and Band Practice| Thrice Denied| Sage Like Advice| if you live with me this is for you

Heck Yeah Dude the CD!! | Skating Like Mad| Bendorf | Arg... | Ice Hockey | Lack of a Title

Angry 5 | Onesday | Hot Chicks Found!! | 3 years!! | Wahoo!! | OldSchool Linoleum

3 You Say?! | Newspaper | A Song | A Wedding and Walt | 12814?? | Happy B-day Frisbee

Fear Of The Womens | HA!! | Lazy | Lazy Still | Victory | Wackyness!!

In response to... | here again... | A Girl. | Holy Balls... | Amaze your friends! | I'm Awesome!!

New.. to the end | Buttcheeks McGrundle

Burrito Ninja Saga
Day 37: "BURRITO NINJA!! | Day 50: "BURRITO NINJA!! : Enter: Bob


"BURRITO NINJA!!": "Episode 4": Crafty Found?? |"BURRITO NINJA!!": "Episode 5": Collasis

"BURRITO NINJA!!": "Episode 6": Crimeny Attacks