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Battle Cry


We are the Children of the night. We are the Ravers, The Hackers, The B-Boys and The Slackers that you see everyday. You see us as Matt or Rob or Chris….but we see each other as Chibi, Rubiks, and Action. Our tags tell you who we are and where we're from. We live in a world where the DJ is king and the music never stops. We live in a world where there is no right or wrong….only fun and boring. We live in a world where the days aren't divided by light and dark…yet, divided by sleep but sleep doesn't have to come at night or everynight. In our world we have no curfew, no dinnertime, no bed time. Our days never stop….They only slowdown. We are the Teenagers of the 21st century. Our minds will one day be running this hell-hole of a country. We will be the programmers, the engineres, and the Presidents of this God foresaken place. Our minds crave STIMULATION and we find stimulation were we can……we find it at a club, in a pill, or in our music. We are proud of what we do and what we say…WE WILL BE HEARD… In our world, there is no shame. Only WE understand. Only one of our own can understand what another is feeling or thinking. We stick together. We have no friends, our friends are our family….our brothers…our sisters. Respect is a BIG DEAL…but we only respect what we think is right. We've showed you respect….we went to your schools, your churches, followed your rules. Now its our time to shine. We WILL rebel!…..we will go to our clubs, drop our pills, and listen to our music. You try to stop us by grounding us, yelling, and even hitting….we will take it no more. Our world is the world of lightsticks, love, loud music, free speech, but most important ….FREE MINDS.

We are the teens of THIS WORLD……and this is our Battle cry.

Keep Punk Alive!

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How to spot a RaVeR

You know you're a Raver if....