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Cheap Strings
We're a PunkRock band from Tammisaari Finland! ;)
I'm happy to tell you all that our guitar player is back in business and we're making new songs and practising as much as we have time, hope we'll get some new song out on the web in awhile and then probably some gigs!
17/11/2006 Today i was supposed to go on a trip to Helsinki with my school, but i overslept. So now i have all the time in the world to tell about our plans for the Spring. I hope it is going to be really nice!
We're now making some songs, mostly me and Ted because Anders is still with the Army forces. We try to teach him those songs while he's out and i think it comes out pretty good.
We have lots of stuff that COULD be put in a song, but only 4-5 songs almost finished. Probably about 5 songs more is the goal for this spring.
We'll first experiment in our friends studio and make the songs how we want them and after that we will search a good studio and record a better demo over there. And then with that we will spread our music to the world and get lot of gigs! ^^ hmm,,, that's atleast how i hope everthing will be! =D Cya! //Kimmo

4/11/2006 Everything is pretty quiet here in cold snowy Finland. Not so much action in the music section either. i will soon write something more ^^
01/09/2006 Now we got two more songs in the media section, one of them (Smalltown syndrome) is a old song, you can find it on our record. But this is a live recording so it will be slightly different. The other song is a brand new one and that song with a couple of other new great songs will rule the world when we get them recorded! =D take a listen, and have a great time ;) //Kimmo
24/08/2006 Now it's confirmed, CHEAP STRINGS is going to rock the hell out on stage this saturday 26th @ Snaperstock, Ramsholmen. The place where everyone should be this weekend
Somewhere at 22:00 they will get up on stage and show you their new selves. They're back better than ever!! ;)
Finally i got this site out on the web with a little help of my friend Emppli
It has been really quiet now for a long time except for one gig on the North Haven couple of weeks ago. Ted spent 1/2year in the military and exactly when he got out Anders went in. We all hope he just have to be there for 6months also, so about 5months left!
Then we're gonna rock the music scene in Finland, probably record a Demo/EP play some hardcore gigs and have hellofatime playing, drinking and simply having fun!!! The page is still under construction so nevermind the broken links but feel free to pay a visit! ^^ Cheers /Kimmo