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Weight:325 lbs
Finisher:batista bomb
rp title:the beging of a quest
#1 contender's match for World Title
Batista VS Chris jericho

The lights goes out then all of sudden "unleashed"by saliva blairs over the speaker's  as batista comes out on to the stage as he does his taunt
and pyro shoots out behind him  as the pyro is done he walks to the ring

Ring Announcer:Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Batista!!!!!
batista then climbs in the ring  and poses on the turnbuckle  then batista climbs down and grabs a microphone

"The Animal"Batista:You know i figured that i would be a match for a #1 contender's for world heavyweight, well who wouldn't book me in a huge match up look at me i am a wrestling god,how ever my oppenet is chris jericho why in the he$$ would he vince mcmahon put me in a match up against jericho he isn't even in my league i mean look at his phyisque then look at mine.** batista then drops the mic for a minute and poses*
** batista then bends down to pick the microphone back up and begins to speak*

Batista:you see what i mean people hey i am not braggging about myself but any way this match won't take very long for me to take down chris jericho,how ever who ever wins the worlds heavyweight title there next oppenet is going to be me it don;t matter if it's abyss or that bad hiarcut guy oh whats his name i am looking for the guy who says he's cooler then anyone else? it's ontop of my head wait a minute it's coming to me oh yeah carlito carribean cool!!

now that doesn't sound like a champion to me! well anyway jericho come december 5th your going down baby because when i am in the ring i unleash the animal that is inside of me so good luck to you JR!!!!!

batista then drops the microphone thens he starts heading up the ramp as "unleashed"by salvia hit's the speakers as the scene fades away

**commerical break**
yjstinger commerical
wwe smackdown vs raw 2006
wrestlemania promo
** end of commerical break**

The scene opens back up to batista in his locker room as a knock is heard on his locker room door!!

batista:come in!

the coach enters through the door

batista:what do you want coach?

coach:woa big boy i just came to do an interview with you about your upcoming match up with chris jericho!

batista:Alright let's start then coach!

Coach:How does it feel to be in a #1 contenders match up for the worlds heavyweight title?

Batista:it feels really good coach i mean some guys my buckle under pressure but i don't
you see vince he seen something in me to book me in this type of match he saw a champion with in me?

coach:hmm let's see now from what i heard some people say you cna't do it any comments on that?

batista:you know people can belive anything they want if they put their mind to it i was told that before but i have the confiedecne to pull it off on december 5th when those camera's roll your going see the aninmal unleashed!!!!!!

Coach:that brings me to my next point why do you call your self the animal?

batista:Coach have you ever seen me wrestle when i wrestle i don't stop and i don't quit that's how animals live their life and that's why i am called the animal!!!

coach:well that's all the time we have today folks cya tomarrow on wwe

the scene closes to a fade away


The Animal has been Unleashed