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Gothic Clothing @
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Gothic Clothing @

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New Haircut. <3 I AM TAKEN BY MY GF <3 Curious Another Good Pic Awesome Pic Spikey >:D Thinking [Phase 2] OMGWTFTHISISSOOFREAKYPLEASESTOPOHNOWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH You're #1!!!! You're #2!!!! Doesn't This Just..Look Awesome? This is Antonio, My Newphew[younger]10:02am This is Domenic, My Nephew[older]10:01am IM WATCHING YOU Good Pic Darker Image >>__<< This Mai Kitty, Princess.2 Years old. Depressing Night Shadez are Pimp. This a friend made for me... and its actually an icon from a game... =D Call me "bastard_Child" FAKERZ! She Owns your Ass! Da 2 monsters [kidding] Wishing for My Dreams to Come true.
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Sex: male
Age: 15
Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Rating: 9.92
Rating points: 11655
Member since: April 23, 2005
This user is currently online
Account Status: Premium Member
Rated by: 1175 people
Latest Journal Entry: Suicide.   November 18, 2005, 12:32pm

Welcome To The Bastard's Profile!!

Greetings. I don't Know how you got here, but how unfortunate, hope you go back Safely. My Name's John, But most people Call Me Bastard Child, or John. So, What to write about... hmm... nothing comes to mind.. OH!!!! Lets talk about me!! *duhz!* Well I'm a Guy, 5'2 135 Pounds o_O, and i have a Brownish Blondish Hard [hard to see], and i'm 14. I live in Canada [ask for my actual city/province].. I don't Do Drugs, Drink, or Smoke, and i don't plan to, cuz that shit'z stupid, and all the druggies are gonna die someday. I am Italian, But cant speak any of it. And i LOVE playing Video Games, They're Super Fun. If you ever wanna play vid games with mei It'd b cool. I play:

Maplestory [level 70 Hermit, 68 Dead Cleric]

Gunbound [Double Golden Sided Axe]

Counter-Strike [Best Score = 115 Kills, 7 Deaths]

Killer Stats, Eh? Hehe.. i got no life, and i also Do stuff like graphics and HTML, so all you gotta do is Ask me, and ill try my best.. unless im playing a game. Hehe. I am Straight, and i love to eat different foods. I am not racist, Sexist, or homophobic, I see No Reason Why i should. I have friends of different colour, religion, and all that fun stuff. I have tons of girlz and boyz, and i have some gay/bi friends too. Its good to know different people, because if you just get on their nerve, they'll get on yours. and they might be nice too, might make a good relationship.

Please Don't ask me "Why do you put your hair like that?" or "Why do you wear those gay clothes" Cause honestly, i really dont give a shit what you say about how i dress or look. If i wanna wear something, shouldnt i wear it without question? if i want a specific haircut, shouldnt it be allowed in public?? Im not a Label either. Labels are for food. Do i look like food?? (although you CAN eat me, LOL!)

The Bastard's likes

I Like Colours, Like Black, Red, Green and Blue. I love My family, My 2 lil Cats, my sisters Hampster [RIP Savage],my sisters 4 rabbits [RIP Bo], And all my Friends out there, both on the e world, and in real Life. I wish i knew half the e world friends, they sound like really interesting people. I love Music. Can't Stop listening to Music, its like a drug. Cant stop. I love Spending Endless Hours on the Internet, and on The computer [even though mah mom doesnt] and like i said before, i like playing games and hanging out in general. I like to take pictures of myself and display them, so that people can get an update on how i look, too. I like action movies, like Tomb raider, and once in awhile horror movies [havent watched any since The nightmare on elm street O_O.] My Gf <3 Rita <3 , and sometimes GOING TO SCHOOL. *Shock* Yah i know, but really, what is there to do in the daytime when schools out?? you cant play video games for 2 weeks straight, or cant watch tv for THAT long... plus at some times it does get boring, and the teachers are sometimes bitches, but oh well, you run into those people. I DO ADMIT, however, im not GOOD at school. i just use it to bypass time. That's Practically it, if i have more ill post more.

The Bastard's Friends

Friends In The REAL WORLD

Mai Sister
ME o.0
Mai Hunneh

The Bastard's Loathes
I ABSOLUTELY HATE WOMEN ABUSERS AND RAPISTS. Women are People too, and men have absolutely NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER to demand Sex from them. Raping is illegal and can get HEAVILY penalized for it. It is just wrong, WRONG to force a women to have sex. Sex is not EVERYTHING in this world. And god damn it, everyone doesn't care, they just wanna fuck fuck fuck. GET A DAMN LIFE!!! I also Hate fakers, and people who consider other people to be "labels". I dislike Harassers, Sexism, Racism, homophobism.. its all a big word : BULLSHIT. Who cares if someone is a girl, is chinese or indian, or is lesbian/gay/bi?? Does it involve you in any way??? Didn't really fuckin think so. I hate when music skips, raw food that gets left over, bad smells, Idiots starting e-drama, downraters, Crime, Drugs.

Drugs. Number 1 Problem in my mind. People, How can you be so stupid to do it? you know what it does to you, it kills ur already low iq [lol], it can KILL you, nevertheless hurt the people around you. I DO BELIEVE that smoking and drinking are drugs too, but not as bad. I hate the smell of weed, and its so obvious too. I hate when people use drugs for depression. Get someone to talk to, but dont take stimulants. I hate everything about drugs. If y'all know that its gonna do something to you, then exactly why do you still do it? Not to mention it hurts the pocket. Drinking Im against, because people are stupid enough to drink then start to drive and get in fights. Smoking: i hate the smell, i hate the effects, i hate the look, i hate EVERYTHING. Some people on This site i dont like either.

People. its true, im allergic to other shits. Most of them are Rude, Stupid, and just get in the way all the time. Im not racist towards chinese people, but this includes most of them. They just walk up to you and get you squished, when theres loads of room, they never ask anything politely, and they almost ALWAYS try to do something stupid around you, Although its not just chinese people. Every type of person has something EXTREMELY fucked up about them, and i cant stand people who just get people pissed off for nothing.

And last but not least, the people that piss me off on VF.

Just the Shits:


The Bastard's Sound

This is Just a quick List, but here goes:

System of a down
Dope Stars Inc
Marilyn Manson
Cradle Of Filth
Static X
Simple Plan
Sinister Skies (not bad!)
Gwen Stefani
94 hours
Green Day
Mindless Self Indulgene
Papa Roach
Crazy Town
Suicide Commandos
Nine inch nails
Linkin Park
Good Charlotte
3 Dayz Grace
A Perfect Circle
Bon Jovi
Jack off Jill
Seraphim Shock
Black Eyed peas
All That Remains
The Used

Congratulations, You have Finished this FUCKED profile. Thank you, COME AGAIN!!! (rate or comment xD)

You Are Currently Listening to Scars of Life - Pool Of Fears.

AIM / AOL: msihimcof [add buddy] [send message]
Yahoo: msihimcof [add user]

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Jan 13, 2006, 09:03pm
my friends are here. And they aaaaaaall think you're super rad xD haha... I have a hunch one of them is stoned.

I should tell you I'd forgotten how to smile Until your candle burned my skin


[reply] [delete]
Jan 13, 2006, 04:22pm
Im sarah, but you can call me sarah for short ^^

I should tell you I'd forgotten how to smile Until your candle burned my skin


[reply] [delete]
Jan 13, 2006, 11:23am
*begins a horrifyingly unoriginal comment*

Well- here's a ten because you're rad, duh.

I love your pics because they're of you and you are rad.

So yes I'll leave you with a word of advice: Never enrage a carebear... EVER!

Comment back ^^ I'd love to keep talking.

I should tell you I'd forgotten how to smile Until your candle burned my skin

Jan 13, 2006, 10:04am
ty <3
Jan 12, 2006, 03:57pm
wow your so hawt =D heres a 10 xx message me back sometime
Jan 12, 2006, 04:28am
thx for the comment uhmmm not much just working my ass off as usual and just i dont know lol working

Jan 09, 2006, 10:33pm
great profile...*10*

Join the cult For on VF


Jan 09, 2006, 05:44pm
Brilliant profile hun
Funky LayOut

...Blesséd be...

Jan 09, 2006, 04:59pm
thats sucks! hope ya feel better. i just resonly had a friend drop out of school and now im really sad.

[{join my cult}]
Jan 09, 2006, 08:27am
cool profile,
you like some awsome music too,
hehe, have a *10*


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