Eric's PORN PAGE.......yeah right

Eric's porn page disclaimer

To enter this site you must agree to the folowing terms
I under pentalty of perjury, do solemnly declare and affirm the following:
  1. I am atleast the legal age of 150 years old.
  2. I dont believe anything the government says.
  3. I am not employed on planet Earth nor am I a police officer or work for the government.
  4. I will not show this information to any minor, under the age of 150 nor will i speak this information to a minor.
  5. My name does not start with any letter in the alphabet.
  6. I am not Male nor Female, I am Asexual.
  7. My keyboard, monitor, and mouse are unplugged and will remain that way until I die.
  8. I also agree that I will not enter this website.

I agree
I disagree