
James and Tom, the two newcommers to the band are now featured on the Lineup page- read about them and please, try to control the wet dreams.... The band has been practicing and is writing a ton of new songs and are also looking for shows. Also, the site will be getting a slightly new look so keep checking back for all the action.... And although this is a bit late, R.I.P. Joey Ramone


The Statiks have finally found two new guitarists, two boy wonders who add body and style to the line-up- If you liked Jeff's guitar work, wait until these two savage beasts get a hold of your eardrums!! Their contrasting raw/swank styles are now being perfected as The Statiks are back to practicing and gigging- Check out the Shows page for upcomming shows- There is quite a few!!


The Statiks are still looking for a new guitarist- the e-mail links have been fixed on the page so please E-mail us if your interested in the position!!!


Due to personal differences with members and the fact that he wants to "pursue other interests than music..." Jeff has left The Statiks... The band has not broken up!! They are looking for another guitarist (or two!!) to step up and fill Jeff's shoes... The band will still will be playing the songs you've all come to love and hate... The band sees this as a loss, but also and oppertunity to grow... If your interested in playing guitar, The Statiks are looking for someone who is between the ages of 18-25, willing to tour and do weekend gigs, practice two times a week, and able to work together with other members to rock the fuck out!! Please do not respond if you're not going to take this band seriously and work as hard as you can... being in a band takes time and money and is a huge commitment... E-mail us for more info if you're interested

The "Bombshell Baby" 45 single is now back in print!! The single it what started it all... the shit talkin', street walkin' punk that you love now available on one affordable 7"!!!! Order it now on the Merch page

Added pictures of most of the merchandise, including the CD and 7" on the Merch page


"Dead Ends and Decadence" is finally out on Unity Squad Records!! You can pick up a copy with the band, or at finer record stores... Don't miss the CD release party!!

Added a new MP3 to the sounds page- check it out, it's a track from the album!!

Added new pictures from tour to the images page- more to come!!

Added a few new links to the links page- please check 'em out if you're bored, they're better than that midget porn you usually look at...


The Statiks finished up their East Coast tour on June 19 (much fun was had!!)

The Statiks full-length has been delayed until July 29, be sure to come to their CD release party July 29, at Yip Roc, Lancaster- hopefully there will be drawings for T-shirts, CD's, 45's, and other goodies



"Dead Ends and Decadence" The Statiks' debut full length will be released June 17th- make sure to attend the CD release party @ Yip Roc in Lancaster, PA- more info on the Shows page, as for Wavestock, the punk fest, it has been post-poned until later this summer- check back for details!

The Statiks are touring this summer with punk powerhouse Throwaway Generation, check Shows page for more info to see if they will be corrupting a town near you!!



Added more shows to the Shows page (check it out for info on a massive punk fest!!)

The Statiks' full length has now been titled "Dead Ends and Decadence"



The Statiks' debut full length has been scheduled to be released in early/mid June

Added a show to the Shows page

Added pictures to the Pictures page


Changed the lineup to some of the shows on the Shows page

Added a mailing list (join it, fucker!)


The Statiks are on the soundtrack of the extremely independent film "Bad Luck". The film is directed by Carson Slovak and produced by Working Machine Productions. The song used in the film is "Lucky 13" which appears on the "Bombshell Baby" 7". Other bands also on the soundtrack include Brom Bones and Syn.


Also added more shows to the Shows page


Added new photos from recording and an MP3 of "Comming Back For More"

Added new show dates from the tour and also a local show


Finally got the whole site up and working, keep checking back for more MP3's and pictures

The Statiks recording 10 songs for their up comming full length on 2/19/00. All they need now are backing vocals, mix down and mastering and they're ready to go...


The Statiks have recently hooked up with Unity Squad Records in Utah. Unity Squad will be putting out the first Statiks full-length. The record will most likely be about 10 songs and be available near the summer of 2000.

The Statiks have been offered a spot on an upcomming Pelado Records compilation. No word yet on the title of the compilation, or the release date. The song that will be appearing is "Nowhere Fast"


The Statiks will be touring March 3-12, 2000 with a new TKO band, Sixer. The band will be going west, spreading filth, fun and the gospel of Rock 'N Roll wherever they go- Check Shows page