Bombshell Baby
(Lyrics: T.Shock Music:The Statiks)
Atom blast 7/22
Everybody's yellin' "who the fuck are you"
Got the world turned around
And you don't know what to do
About a bombshell baby under foreign rule

Your gonna die in 99
And you'll go blind in late July
All the world will be askin' why
You say, "look out what's in the sky?"

Bombshell tonight!
Don't make nothing of a neighborhood fight
The cops don't matter, neither do you
To a bombshell blast 7/22

Lucky 13

(Lyrics: T.Shock Music:The Statiks)
She looks at her face in the mirror tonight
She's looking like the living dead
Looks over her shoulder can't be sure if she's alright
At the man laying in her bed
He's surely passed out 'till the morning comes
'Cause she's really done him good tonight
so she's gonna go out and get wrecked again
'Cause she can't sleep here tonight

She's turning a corner on an empty street
Her hearts pounding like a fuckin' drum
She don't know where she's been tonight
And it's only a few passed one
She could turn around, go back to her room
But she don't know where that was
Now all she can hear is a man down the street
She knows she better run

She's blinded by the sweat in her eyes
And the thought of cold steel in her mind
As the leather slaps on the pavement tonight
She don't know what she's leaving behind
She's runnin' alone a street she calls home
But she remembers some place else
13 was no lucky number before
But tonight it's a living hell

She's turnin' down the corner on an empty street
Her heart's tearin' right out of her chest
She don't know where she's been tonight
And maybe it's for the best
She could turn around and go back to her room
But she don't know where that was
Now all she can hear is a man down the street
And she know's he's lookin' for fun

This child ain't gonna be alright tonight
She can't know if she'll see the morning light
This ain't nothin' new for her tonight
It's just another night passed
In a nightmare she calls her life