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i'm me.

here's yr window tu attempting tu figure me out.

i'm 17 years of age. a scorpio. i go to mainland regional high school. name = lauren.
i drive a blue '97 chevy cavalier, two door.
email me if you'd like to know more: here.


mike. rain. warm skin. cold hands. mix tapes. smell of smoke. fire. fire trucks. wheat thins. duct tape. cars. sudafed. glitter. random objects. memouries. masturbation. movement. stars. ketchup. trees + crunchy leaves. jumping in water with clothes on. blood. first time of the season- sand between mi toes. tori amos's voice. silver. heavy guitar + drums. soft acoustic guitar. watercolour. poetry + drawing. pockets. shadows. magic shows. salt. bisexual grrls. open mindedness. beads. short fingernails. ribbon. nylon. mimes. the homeless people's stories. libral arts. clouds. spices. weed. books. Jay and Silent Bob. tongues. glamour of the 80's. sunsets. stealing political signs. funny/harmless vandalisms. pinapple. breadsticks n sauce. protestors. pretty bandaids. when u get a little ice cream, pour an entire container of sprinkles, n then melt the icecream, so u have an excuse tu use up the sprinkles. hot showers. cinnamon. snow with pancake syrup. crushed ice. maynard's voice. ranch flavour. st. lucia. nongenetically altered bananas. stars. flowers + herbs. ecstacy. cloves. apple cider. driving. incubus. motel rooms. corderoy. meeting new people. borders. books. winter. chai. ice skating. crunches. bracelets. snow. sleeping. "watching" movies. photographs. driving.


sticky keyboard. jealousy. aloneness. fascists. prejudice. most people. jeans. spiders. rape. parents. authority. animal abuse. scars. accusations. ms churnoff. those trying to change yr beliefs. underwire bras. oldlady underware. sweat. illness. people who dwell on the past. arrogance. conformity. capitalism. censorship. smell of vodka. mass production. dirty forks. illness. fathers. allergies. my stomach. meat. gelatin. nursing homes. alzhiemers. car accidents. watching the elderly age. ignorance. being ignored. rejection.

yay's [plusses of mi existance]

  • over-achiving, perfectionist.
  • constantly dreaming
  • packrat
  • open*minded
  • melodramatic + emotional
  • can sew + cook
  • strong beliefs + opinionated
  • lustful :)

nay's [negatives of me]

  • uncoordinated
  • moody
  • strong temper if aggrevated
  • self-destructing, self-abusing
  • isolates
  • physical being.
  • does really stupid shit
  • cries too easily
  • eats way too much.

  • raising unmaterialistic, open minded, independant children, in the future
  • continue learning past college. education rocks.
  • mayking a difference in humanities/social work
  • love unconditionally.
  • experiencing everything the world has to offer, hope, wisdom, pain, -everything
  • exposing the cruelties n horrours of our world- n fixing them.
  • learning to relax.

    .stuff i do.

    after skool activitez:
    Lit mag, GSA, ecology club, sometymez i do children's crafts at the elemenatry skool. i eat alot after school. i go to the nursing home.

  • i draw. i write. i wither away time online.
  • i watch people. i music. i cook. i collect. i sew. i create.
  • i hang out with mi friends. i boardwalk. i wirk, as a fudge packer[kandie store.] i wander.
  • i photograph, i try tu learn to sing. i try tu dance [by miself in the comfort of and empty house].
  • i lay on the floor. i spin. i fall. i cry. i enjoy solitude, but i prefer loving company.
  • i grow things. i grow. i velcrow. i play with microwaves and dried flowers.

    .to piX.
    .main index.