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Grimspike's Fighting Patrol in Mossflower

HOORAY!!! I HAVE THE WEBSITE BACK UP NOW AND YOU CAN NOW START SENDING IN MORE MISSIONS AND STUFF, BUT ALL THE MISSIONS OR CHARACTER STUFFS THAT YOU MADE IN THE PAST MONTH WILL NOT BE POSTED UP AND YOU'LL HAVE TO RE-SEND THEM INTO ME! I HAVE A NEW E-MAIL ADDRESS ALSO! WRITE IT DOWN: THANK YOU! You are strolling through Mossflower Woods one fine night when you see a giant sky-scraping oak tree standing far taller than any of the other trees. You decide it would be a great place to camp under for the night so you make your way over to the bottom. As soon as you set foot on the foot of the tree it all of a sudden caves in and you fall a few feet and hit the ground below. You are dazzled and confused but you manage to get up and brush yourself off. You look around at what is before you and find that you are in a huge cavern as large as an abbey. Inside are hundreds of mice, moles, hedgehogs, otters, hares, shrews, and even some water voles. Just then a hare walks up to you and says, "Why hello there! I'm Quorlin! Jolly good day to drop in if you excuse the pun, wot wot? This is the cavern of Grimspike's Patrol in Mossflower! It is run by jolly ole Grimspike the hedgehog warrior himself! We are just getting ready for a blikin' feast 'cos we just deafeated a large searat horde! You can stay and are welcome to even join the jolly patrol, just go talk to Grimspike, he's in the far corner of the cavern. This is our good ole head quarters but we are usually travlin' all o'er the place. See ya later I bally 'ope!" And with that the hare bounded off toward the direction of food. You make your way to the far corner of the cavern and meet over a score of creatures along the way. You finally see a giant hedgehog in the corner helping a small mouse make a gigantic cake. But the cake was not near the size of the giant hedgehog. He had white tipped spikes and had a huge sword sheathed around his back spikes that not even a score of mice could lift. He was not a fat hedgehog either, but was a powerful looking, full of muscle, hedgehog. "Why hello! I am Grimspike, the leader of this patrol. A mole told me you 'Dropped by' ha ha ha. As you know we are celebrating a victory over a searat fleet. You can stay for the feast or even join! Aye, just go over to that young mouse over there in the pink bonnet! She'll get ya settled! Nicest mouse in the cavern!" The hedgehog had a merry tone to his voice but you can also tell he is a seasoned warrior. You do as he says and make your way over to the young female mouse. You feel kind of excited about joining. The female mouse saw you and said, "Hi there! My name's Warflower. I suppose you want to join eh? Well that is great! We are always looking for new recruits! Just copy and paste the form below, and e-mail it to Grimspike! It's Easy! He usually updates his members every day,So join! Just copy and Paste the form below and fill it out and e-mail it to Grimspike!" ******************************************************************* About Grimspike the Warrior: Grimspike was only a young hedgehog when his parents were cruelly murdered by an evil mouse named "Dark Mouse". Grimspike's father was the son of the son of Tragglo Spearback, who was the son of Gurgan Spearback, the Waterhog warrior. Grimspike's father was called Clorgan Spearback and was a mighty warrior, and at the time the family lived in a secret entrance in a giant oak tree. A band of vermin found the home and killed Grimspike's parents but Grimspike hid in a little corner of the home. After a while he came out but the vermin were waiting and they captured the young hedgehog and put them on their galleon ship. After a long time in a stormy sea without food the vermin band found a cove, so Dark Mouse when to take it for himself. The vermin troops were so happy to see land that they totally forgot about Grimspike and left him in the prison hold. Later he escaped, stealing a dingy and paddling east toward the mainland. After a while he found land and roved around the land for seasons, until one day he came to his old home! It was still in perfect condition, hidden by shrubs underneat a huge oak tree. He went around the land seeking out lone moles, squirrels and mice until he had a large band of over a score. Then he found a huge tribe of mice, shrews, hedgehogs, voles, squirrels and some hares and otters. Even one badger! So they agreed to join up with his small force and before he knew it he had a army of almost 200! He took them back to his old oak tree home and all the moles helped enlarge the hole. Seasons passed and the hole became huge! Many more lone creatures stopped in there and agreed to join. The food was plentiful and the surroundings were joyful. Grimspike and a few other trained warriors decided to start training all the able-bodied creatures in the art of combat.... Now it has been many many seasons, and Grimspike's army has grown large, each creatures a warrior with his or her own personal weapon, and they live on, waiting for the time to lay seige on Dark Mouse's Cove... JUST SO YOU KNOW! IF YOU EVER MESS WITH GRIMSPIKE THE WARRIOR AS IN TRY TO BATTLE HIM! HE WILL NOT ONLY CREAM YOU! BUT HE WILL DANCE ON YOUR GRAVE! HAHAHA! HEY MEMBERS! IF YOU DISOBEY GRIMSPIKE'S RULES HE WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN WITH LIGHTENING! HEE HEE HEE! HAHAHA! (No seriously he will) ***************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************

Activities: Missions, recipes, poems and Stories etc.

Join Grimspike's Patrol
The Member Roster
Cavern Hole (Poems)
The Kitchens (Recipes)
Great Hall (Stories)
The Armoury (Missions)
The Armoury (Mission Page 2!)
The Battlements (Battle Plans)
The Abbey Pond (Some games and entertainment for out members)
The Gallery (New! Pictures of some High Ranking Officers in Grimspike's Patrol!)
The Path (Other Redwall Sites)

Enemy Vermin Hordes
