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Kat's Character page for BsV role play

Kathryn Sterling was born into royalty and lived a very comforable and protected life,with her two other sisters and older brother. Her father kept them far from the evils of this world, but all of that ended at the fall of his kingdom. War plauged Ireland, her homeland. And her family's castle was bruned to the ground in 1842. Both parents were executed, and both sisters were captured, raped, and murdered in the battle. She believes her brother made it out alive, but is uncertain.

Kathryn came to this America young and naive. The first township she landed in was St. Clair. The place its self was just starting to boom. Her innocence and beauty quickly caught the eyes of a very wealthy and powerful man. He kept his true identity hidden from her, only letting her call him Keith. Time passed and he watched her blossom into a very charming woman. Becomming quite taken with her, he offered her to share his life,to become as he was and she welcomed the dark gift. Keith Timbrooke introduced Kathryn to a side of life she never knew existed. He was founder of a clan of vampires called Blood Storm. A tribe of True Brujah that inwardly, had denounced the ways of the Camarillia and thought themselves better than the Sabbat. They played both sides to the middle which evenutally led to their down fall. They welcomed Kathryn as family. It was here that Kathryn learned who she really was, and it was here she overcame her struggle to belong. They educated her in politics and finance. As well has how to use her gifts to get what she wanted.

In time Keith and Kat had ceritan differences. She was determined to make her own way and She took a job working nights in a club as a hostest. She loved the work, saved her money and made a few good friends and contacts. Keith was glad she was happy and doing well, but wanted her to have the lifestyle of the Princess she really was. Keith in time, found this unlife to taxing for him and unkown to all, save for the Butler that still works at Timbrooke, went into torpor. Alfred - the butler - Delivered to Kathryn his will. He came to her with a scroll. Keith had left her as heir to his estate. It was then she decided to reform the clan, to try to pick up the pieces and rebuild.

The road has been long and hard, failed attempts, and enemies made, but a valuble lesson has been learned and this time Bloodstorm will not fall.

Kat carries a few weapons,
she was given an 8' bladed bo staff,several throwing daggers,
She has also been seen with twin .44 Smith and Wesson revolvers holstered on her sides.
Even though she is Brujah, she is a lady first and fights to keep the beast within.

Name: Kathryn Sterling Nature: Architect Generation: 6th
Player: Kat Demeanor: Survivor Haven: Timbrooke Mansion, Wild's Cave
Chronical: St. Clairsville Clan: Brujah - BloodStorm Concept: Socialite


Physical Social Mental
Strength: ++ Charisma: ++++ Perception: +++
Dexterity: +++ Manipulation: +++ Intelligence: +++
Stamina: ++ Appearance: ++++ Wits: +++


Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting: +++ Animal Ken: ++ Bureaucray: ++
Alertness: + Drive: ++ Computer:
Athletics: Etiquette: ++++ Finance: ++
Brawl: + Firearms: + Investigation:
Dodge: ++ Melee: ++ Law:
Empathy: Music: + Lingusitics: +
Intimidation: ++ Repair: Medicne:
Leadership: +++ Security: Occult:
Streetwise: + Stealth: ++ Politics: +
Subterfuge: Survival: +++ Science:


Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Temporis: +++++ Resources: +++++ Conscience: +
Presence: ++++ Contacts: ++ Self Control: ++++
Potence: ++ Status: ++ Courage: ++
Dominate: +
Learned from her Long time Ventrue Lover

Humanity: ++++++ Willpower: ++++++++ Blood pool: 20

Merits Flaws
Common Sense Vengence
Iron Will Over Confident
Acute senses Dark Secret

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