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Jurek Ysal BsV

Jurek Ysal is known for his piercing emotionless eyes. He was feared by everyone in his hometown when he was young because of the cruel way he would torture the neighboors children when he just felt like it. He was a vigorous trainer in the ways of the martial arts, picking up many styles in his years.

In the summer of 1768 when he was accused of witchcraft. He was to be burned at the stake the following day. He was placed in the town shackles and left there at night. Sadly, the poor townsfolk never knew that Jurek Ysal was actually a Brujah vampire in hiding. In the middle of the night, he escaped his bonds with light ease and murdered every single man, woman, child, and infant in the town of 60.

After that he set out for London to hide out for a little while, waiting for everything to pass over. News spread quickly of the downfall of the small town of Berindast. People were on the hunt for Jurek. He, however, was never found. In the year of 1834, he had stolen enough money from the wealthy citizens of London to make passage on a boat to the Americas. Upon arrival, he headed south and lived in the state of Tennessee for many years and continued to train in the martial arts. The people of Jackson, which is where he lived, grew to like Jurek and for the first time in his life he felt accepted by someone. It was almost a shame when old lady Johnson pointed out one day that Jurek had not aged in the 20 years he had been living there. After this was brought to the town's attention, Jurek had no choice. He, with a burden on his wasted soul, slaughtered the entire town. After a few years of hiding out in the forest that were yet explored, he moved south into what had once been the Great Northern and settled down in the town of St. Clairsville

It was here that he met Kat, who he learned was also a vampire. After a few meetings, she decided to accept him into her growing clan of BloodStorm Brujahs. Today he resides in Kat's house, Timbrooke Mansion in St. Clairsville. Recently, a young girl by the name of Alisha Davis was captured and brought there(you see, Kat runs a white slavery house). Jurek tried to be nice to her but she got freaked out by his eyes and took off running. He easily caught up to her but she tripped and hit her head on one of the sharp cornered tables that Kat has in the Halls of Timbrooke. Seeing no other alternative, Jurek Embraced her. Now she is Blood Bound to him and he cares for her very much. But his heart will always belong to Lacey. Now he is torn between the two.

Jurek's Appearance: Jurek is 5'9'' tall and weighs only 128lbs. Despite his small size he is amazingly built. Not only that, he is gorgeous. He has delicate, almost soft facial features and a stone etched frame. He ALWAYS wears a long dark forest green trench coat over loose fitting black karate pants and no shirt, prefereing to show off his perfectly etched frame. His eyes are shaped like a snakes and are usually ice blue, but they tend to change with his emotions. He is at least in the top 5 on the most dangerous BsV list, Combining emotionless feelings with the love of bloodshed and a deep hatred for the living to become an effective killing machine/silent assassin

Name: Jurek Ysal Nature: Bon Vivant Generation: 9th
Player: Austin Demeanor: Gallant Haven: Timbrooke Mansion
Chronical: St. Clairsville Clan: BsV - Brujah Concept: Vagrant


Physical Social Mental
Strength: 2 Charisma: 2 Perception: 2
Dexterity: 5 Manipulation: 1 Intelligence: 3
Stamina: 3 Appearance: 4 Wits: 1


Talents Skills Knowledges
Acting: Animal Ken: Psycology:
Alertness: 3 Drive: Computer: 2
Athletics: 3 Etiquette: Finance:
Brawl: Firearms: 2 Investigation: 3
Dodge: 5 Melee: 3 Law:
Empathy: 2 Music: Linguistics:
Intimidation: 2 Repair: Medicine:
Leadership: Security: Occult: 2
Streetwise: Stealth: 2 Politics:
Subterfuge: 2 Survial: 2 Science:


Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Celerity: 3 Mentor: 2 Conscience: 1
Potence: 1 Allies: 1 Self Control: 3
Presence: 1 Contacts: 2 Courage: 3

Humanity: 4 Willpower: 8 Blood pool: 15

Merits Flaws
Fearless Cocky/over confident


1- Chrome Plated Glock 9
1- .45 caliber Pistol
1- 5ft. No-Dachi(Black Diamond Blade)