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~*Eye Candy*~

Here you'll find the best photos of Dexter Holland available on the net! I have spent countless hours surfing the web and searching for photos of him that are worthy of being seen on my site. There should be a few you've never seen before as they are quite rare, as well as some common ones from publicity shoots... So go on! Feast your eyes on him! P.S. These pics may take a while to load, depending on your internet connection speed.

Well there it is! My exquisite collection of Dexter Holland photos... Of course, those aren't all of them, I just took the ones I liked best...

And by the way, the last photo isn't a photo of him at all, but a photo of his name instead. It's a pamphlet from the 1984 Pacifica High School Commencement.. It shows his name (Bryan K. Holland, not Dexter!) under Valedictorian Address and Valedictorian Awards. Can you believe it? He was the smartest kid in his graduating class! Pretty kewl stuff...
Here's a picture of the pamphlet below:

What a smartass...

Also, there's a picture of a guy with braids somewhere in the middle of the photos.. To those people who are new Offspring fans, that's Dexter too! Just from the Smash era...I'm guessing he was 29 years old there... He's changed a lot! And NO, he's not a fucking sellout!!!

Other than that, I think that's it. If you have any photos that aren't shown here which you think would make a nice addition to my collection, please email me! I would really appreciate them!

As for the photos on this site that I took from other people's sites, Thanks a bunch to you guyz too! You know who you are...

~*Photo of the week*~

(or month, depending on how often I feel like changing it!

shit he's cute!

Click here to return to the Dexter Holland homepage or the picture from the Gone Away shoot below:


Andrea Kim Copyright 2000. All rights reserved.