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hey everyone. some how you've managed to find you way to my tangeld mess i call a web page *blah* anyways. take a look around and sign the guest book before you leave okay? thank you for stoping by :) have a nice day now

.:.about moi.:.

.:.guy buds.:.

.:.girl buds.:.


.:.things that i hate.:.


.:.for my friends.:.

.:. 50 reasons why chicks rock.:.


.:. poems .:.

.:. pick up lines .:.

.:. my old guestbook .:.

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Heyy everyone....here again... just like to say that the e-fourm and the dream book are 2 different things.. the e-fourm e-mails ME directly and the dream book makes it soo anyone can see it!*S* Just thought i should clear that up for all you non-computer peoples*Looks @ Anya* *L*

this page has last been updated on August 15th 2000.