Monday, July 25, 2005
11:45 PM
met up with gabriel, leon & zieg to research on the group projects... we went to the new national library...

it's damn huge lah.. 14 storeys..
but the irony of it is that only the books at B1 can be borrowed.. all the rest at the other levels are reference books..

went up to the 8th floor; the art section...
the collection's good though. i found alot of books on the particular topic i'm doing for my individual project..

...oh yes.
it rained outside. and it rained inside too.
the ceiling at one of the corners started to drip water in.. as first i was wondering who's clicking his pen so happily.. then i found out that it was the water dripping on to the floor when a guy notified the library staff..

and the water was literally dripping on the painting that's hung on the wall... everyone were like O_O...

why do new buildings always have this kind of fault? it happened to esplanade that time when it'd first opened... i guess the architecturers really took it for granted that singapore's a SUNNY island... ha!
| //jay.written.

12:37 AM
jayden@incredibly busy
busy busy busy. i've got a canvas to paint, 100 designs to come up with, and a photoshop project to do.

i've got to paint these freaking cloth and pots on the canvas:

can see the diff?

what i've done so far:

while in the midst of my busy-ness, i found time to hang out with jo and nerd nerd after my work on saturday... then went to jo's house for yet another hair dying session.

now mua hair's pink, green, brown and black... kinda style from the front... but looks sucky from the side; looks as if it's those ah-beng-who-don't-know-how-to-dye-hair-but-tries-very-hard-to-be-stylo.. ha! that's a nice one.
| //jay.written.

Thursday, July 21, 2005
11:14 PM
jayden@dennis' manhunt
my friend's in da loreal feria manhunt! please do support him by voting! he's dennis(f2) and i think he has got the quality to win.. :)

to vote, sms:
TNPFERIA (space) F2 (space) NRIC (space) Contact No. (space) Name
to 77877


| //jay.written.

Monday, July 18, 2005
3:03 AM
jayden@iccy piccy


fyi, i hate starwars
| //jay.written.

Sunday, July 17, 2005
10:25 PM
nothing much to blog about eh... just school school, then hang out hang out. and damn homework homework..

been hanging out with jeric(ah nerd :P) and gang.. basically just walk around and arcade.. and then i found out that clementi arcade's charge by 2 bucks per hour, unlimited game plays.. think that's the cheapest arcade around...

school's fun(up till now).. but kinda stressed though.
i've got classmates with have had 3 years of experience in art college before entering lasalle.. then i've got those whose art's superb, and yet goes all the way to praise my lousy pieces of shit.

and if anyone were to ask, ...yes. i think 80% of the people in school ain't straight.
i see fags and lesbos everywhere in the school...

and what adds to the problem is that, i saw those people whom i'm not supposed to see. (or rather, i think they just fucking hell don't belong here)
this guy was supposingly in tp pathetically pursuing his arts, and yet i see him here... i must say that i was so surprise to see him during orientation, let alone sitting in the same bus as him to school.

everyone's like flocking to lasalle when they have no other place to go to. i mean, if you're really into arts, then by all means come here and further your studies. but if you're just coming here because you have nowhere to go to, that's plain pathetic. it's not a "trend" to be in lasalle. and it's obviously not a "dumping ground".

on the other hand, some people whom i was looking forward to see in school, wasn't around or had a 180° change in character...

as for now, i think i can care less about everything and just work hard on my studies in lasalle. and that art history essay! damn!

p.s: i've attached the comment thingy below every entry in replacement of my tagboard :)
| //jay.written.

Saturday, July 09, 2005
3:37 PM
lalala... feeling better now i guess.. ..after a night of tears

seemed to me that everyone's bullying me. isn't it right?
people who look don't like me bully me. people who bully the small-sized me. people just won't let go of me. even my ex-es bully me. one don't wanna let go & the other already slept with someone else.

what can i possibly do? i'm tired of retaliating. i am dead beat.
i have my studies.
i have my work.
i have my friends.
i(used to) have my loved ones.
and i still have to face problems people give me.
well, if one day anyone were to see me in the obituary before the age of 20, don't be surprised.
i might just end my life if i cannot take it anymore.

...i think i'm suffering from depression... haha

well oh well. supression works well on me.
hiding every unhappiness inside. every anger & every sadness.
then putting up a strong front & a jovial character.

that'll be nice. :)

anyway, i'm here to blog about yesterday's outing actually.
went out with jo, jeric, lixue & meichian after school.
and they'd gotten themselves nicknames... damn crappy
josiah = miyavi
lixue = jian xue (see blood. O_O)
meichian = curry POK queen
jeric = berNERD

jalan jalan in town then went to look for para dance machines...
ended up in clementi...
saw this freak dancing para; damn skinny, sashaying at the machine & (omfg)his pointed shoes.
i swore that those were high heels minus the heels. you must look at how pointed the front of the shoe was.
gosh =_=

and we went photo-taking frenzy in mcd...
we were like the paparazzi, AND the star itself; covering our own faces, and yet, trying so hard to take each other's pic.
wahaha. these's what i've gotten:

lx with her take-somemore-&-i-will-kill-you look

lx's ..erm... nostrils ^o^

ah nerd's feeling pic. cute right? :P

china girl mc's don't-know-what look

finally.. family photo with ronald mcdonald
| //jay.written.

2:32 AM
jayden@the reason
seldom i find songs that can be related to me.
looks like this song clearly depicts how i feel right now.

I'm not a perfect person
As many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
Thats why i need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You (x4)

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you
| //jay.written.

2:09 AM
jayden@i love F4

caught fantastic four on thursday..
fantastic movie... better than x-men i think...

sigh. not in the mood to blog.
but must blog about f4 before i forget.
| //jay.written.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
10:56 PM
jayden@class fs1f
(yesterday) had a swollen left eye on the first day of class. what luck is that.

new faces around.
one korean girl, one china girl, one vietnam guy and one indonesia guy.
the rest are all singaporeans...
then there's this girl, happened to find out that she's staying very close to me, also at cck.

then there's the tedious drawing test.
haven't touched a pencil since the o level art..
...almost died halfway with my swollen eye
was struggling like hell to look at the objects i'm drawing...

oh. and i found out i am youngest guy in the class.
-_- small boy here.

today was fun except for the art history lesson..
love da media art lesson... gonna seat there and play the com :)

but the important thing i learnt these two days was,
some so-called best friends ain't really that BEST.
waited for him like an idiot for one hour to go for lunch yesterday.
what i get when i finished my lesson today was, "oh! i'm with my three friends at the hawker"
well, AT LEAST have the courtesy to tell me before hand, so that i won't be looking like an idiot rushing to the school gate and just to find that no one is there.

heard people said the same thing about this guy before;
here comes new friends, there goes the old friends.
now that i think it's so damn farking true.

i meant like i really treat him like my bestest friend and consider about him in many of the things i do. i even quarrel with my stead because of this BEST friend of mine.

i guess there's really no true friends in this world. at least for the time being i don't think so.
| //jay.written.

Saturday, July 02, 2005
6:24 PM
jayden@first day
yup.. yesterday was the first day.. orientation day.
eh. what to say.
same like any other orientations bah.
played some ice breaker games under da scotching sun. gosh... almost melted alive...

and damn. jo, cel, isaac and i got seperated like don't know what.
jo in class 1b..
cel in 1j..
isaac in 1m..
i'm in 1f..

sigh. there'll be more fun in school if we're in the same class i guess.
well, i'm just looking forward to the new faces i'll see on tuesday...

oh ya. i've got no class on every monday. and one pathetic hour of lesson on friday.
guess it's really gonna be long weekends for me...

anyway... i'm gonna be broke very soon i guess.
so many things to buy for school. don't know what hair spray also must buy.
| //jay.written.

6:17 PM
people don't buy things for another one and ask for them back. then what's the point of buying? i'd always wanted to pay for my own stuff. you want to pay for me, then be it. and don't come crying back to me for the things you bought. what a joke. i borrowed for you 20 bucks and you gave me 100. i didn't ask for so much. yet, you gave so much. you wanted to give. you wanted to buy. and now? return you everything? oh god.
| //jay.written.

Friday, July 01, 2005
1:57 AM
start school loh
| //jay.written.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005
2:15 AM

Part Free Love Kisser

Of all the kissing types, you've racked up the most experience
Kissing is no big deal to you - you'll kiss anyone you find hot!
It's easy for you to take the plunge and make the first move.
And you don't really consider kissing to be cheating!

Part Passionate Kisser

For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

What Kind of Kisser Are You?
| //jay.written.

12:10 AM
don't you understand?
you have absolutely no rights to keep my photo in the first place.
and let alone posting them online.

i've got a rotten character?
please. if you keep using the blog that i've created and use it to blog about childish stuff, and keep posting up my pics and neoprints, it's none other than a mad dog biting on a bone, and won't let go.*quoted from da good ol' nicky*
and it'll only show how 'rotten' your character is.
what's over is over. crying over spilled milk won't reverse anything.

the blog's created by me. i took it down in the first place just because i was closeted then.
and you think i wanna save my ass by deleting the blog?
i merely shifted the address to somewhere else. and it, however, wasn't gone yet.
you never ask and presumed everything?
and you copied the whole of the blog without my permission.

"memories" and "posting other people's photo without their permission" are two different things. you can keep your memories. but when it's none of my business.

yes, it's your damn memories.
you can keep it. but out of my sight. and just not at the same blog address.

don't you get it?
lemme repeat.
what's over is over.
leave me alone.

you do your boo-hoo-hoos elsewhere. out of my sight.
you can treasure your good ol' memories elsewhere. out of my sight.
you can tell your stories everywhere. i don't care.
you can even set up a 'hate-jayden' clan. i don't care.
you can still cry over what's over after 10, 20 or 100 years. i don't care.

just leave me alone.
| //jay.written.

Monday, June 27, 2005
4:28 AM
jayden@ain't gonna hide no more
i guess it's really no point to hide things anymore..
i'm really getting really sick of hiding and running away from somethings...

mr jayden here is not straight. well, at least, not totally.
i'm bi.
BISEXUAL if fucking morons don't understand what it meants.

...and before fuckers out there start to, "there! i knew he is!"
please kindly fuck off.
don't come running to me and ask if i'm really not straight.
read whatever you want from here. and shut up.

now the people who reads my blog knows.
who cares. whatever.

i don't care if people discriminates me or call me names.
they can do whatever they want.
friends who despise me ain't my friends no more.

being bi means that i have the liberty to date gals & guys.
but who cares?
i've already gotten myself happily attached.
won't need to date anymore. ha!

oh. for the bunch of the fans of mine, if you'd like to kaypoh and bitch about my life again, do tag at my board ya... it's not gone yet. you'll just need to scroll down the sweet lil page of mine... happy bitching ya!

i guess all these makes me an open bisexual? ha.
| //jay.written.

Friday, June 17, 2005
7:35 PM
jayden@live it. love it. hong kong!
here to blog about my hk trip! did lotsa shopping n eating; just like the ad, mai dong xi! chi dong xi! mai dong xi! chi dong xi!

enjoyed my first plane ride.
that's my first time seating a plane. can imagine how excited i was...
even jo couldn't stand me... lol
and it's mua first time travelling anyway further than malaysia...
sounds very sotong huh?

anyway.. i'm quite satisfied with the trip, except for some pain-in-the-necks..
there's josiah's god damn mother.
she uses me as a personal secretary of josiah.
she thinks i'm there to serve her.
she treats me like a philipino maid.
she fucking hell scream at me every morning!

i'm somebody's child being left to you in the trip, if you don't wanna take care of me, then don't give a damn about me; leave me alone.
let alone screaming at me early in the morning, she even uses me like a maid. fucking hell maid.
order me to do this, do that, do fuck, do shit.

i gave her the respect all the while just because she's my best friend's mum.
if not, she wouldn't have returned to singapore with her fucking FAKE TEETH.
yes she doesn't have ANY TEETH AT ALL. she wears the fake teeth like those old granny would.

i know i shouldn't be saying all this.
but she pissed me off till the end.
way over my limit.
i even dreamt of her screaming on the 2nd night k!
can imagine how paranoid i was.

and then there's the spoilt kid who kept p.m.s-ing throughout the trip, in order to get what he wants.
behaving so pissed off just because his mother doesn't want to buy him food from popeye(fastfood restaurant)
hey, come on lor...
how old already...
don't buy, don't eat lah. what's the big deal.
and i have to emphasize that it's not that only one time, that he's like that, and it totally pissed me off during the trip.

going out on a holiday's supposed to be happy and enjoyable.
trying to enjoy every moment of the trip.
but pissing each other off seemed more like the important thing in this trip.

eh. anyway. 5 day's alot to blog. lemme just summarise what i did over there.
.stayed over at jo's house
.woke up at 4am
.took cab to airport
.dad was there to sent me off
.smooth air ride
.reached at noon
.ate at local food stall
.teh-peng was shoik
.met jo's cute cousins, jaden & jolin
.ate again
.went to wax museum
.night tour in hk

.ate dimsum at restaurant
.saw junying sec sch students at there
.went sight-seeing
.kena con by photographer to buy our photos
.went to ocean park
.fun @ ocean park

.went into china, shenzheng
.but kept looking out for pick-pockets
.mastered bargaining skills from the aunties
.almost kena con again to buy some photographs

.went shopping frenzy
.shopped at their local 'far east', 'bugis', 'paragon', 'raffles city'
.saw rioting live in action
.took neoprints
.damn tired after all the shopping

.last day,
.can't waste the trip
.took neoprints again
.went shopping frenzy again
.walked from one place to another
.distant's about from far east to plaza sing multiply by 3
.walked like mad
.finally seating on the return flight
.touched down at 11.45pm

omg. my first trip.
and it was great.
and did i mention that's this aunty in the trip who treated me so well as if i'm her precious darling son...


alrighty... here's the pics...

yup. gotten the window seat!

the lunch. cool box though.

wahaha. i can't stop laughing at this.

the hotel lobby

teh-peng in hongkong. shiok!

hk teevee programme. cute lil onion alien.

jaden and jayden. haha. jo's cousin.

that was shiok! hehe.

the famous... ...~WATER!!

my god father. wahaha.

james bond's new sidekick :)



the laughing gas. sherry and abigail. they laughed and joked and giggled for the whole of the trip. 5 days! can you imagine?

yum yum.

machiam chinese new year. waha!

beach boy? ...nah!

korean aunty

jia jia

an an

yes... jo caught this.


polar bear papa...

yup! i sat this! and i love it! it's similar to space shot in genting..

this is the place where leslie plunged to his death

rioting. live in action.

gold. sand. mouth.

this kind of posters were all around in hk..

and almost 50% of every newstand sells porn..

jo's down syndrome's back again.

ad for facial mask? look carefully. it's actually an ad for the mochi ice cream. creative huh?

last day in hk...

jo and his mickey mouse craze..

finally back home..


| //jay.written.

Thursday, June 16, 2005
9:14 PM
jayden@bimbo?! who? me?

Congratulations Jayden, you are...

'PoiPoi' Apple Lim of

You look like a stereotypical bimbo outside but its a different story inside. You're a nice, simple, proud and straightforward person who believes what you're doing is right. You don't change people, and you love them for who they are. Your primary goal in life is to be happy, next to being pretty. You have your detractors but you don't let them bring you down. You go out of your way to help others out even before they ask, and for that they love you.

Which Singaporean Blogger Are You?

| //jay.written.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
3:42 AM
hmmm... finally decided to write something here before it gets too dusty...

i've been extremely lazy and kind of busy working... can't find time to blog...
working hours' 7-5 on weekdays, and 9.30 to 12.30 on weekends...
work like siao. damn shag.

calculated my pay.. would be getting at least 800 bucks for May...
gonna use it to shop at HK!
extensive shopping.. woohoo.

gotten new hair colour... thanks josiah for da great help...
dark brown with my earlier blonde and white as highlight...
some sort of a more 'normal' colour to be put on my hair
(people say previous colours abit too outrageous)
hope i wont get sick of the colour too soon though.

gotten a new webcam from the creative sale..
yes. $19.
wahaha.. damn cheap.
...and the webcam damn cheapskate also.
most pariah webcam i've even seen.
so lag. so blur.

oh. i must so blog about an incident occured on monday.
i'd almost walk into raining bird crap...
...was walking to the mrt station, when suddenly i see alot of white watery stuff splatter on the people walking in front me
...i was like O_O
the crap looks like someone's puke... hell of a-lot!
brownish white stuff...
it's either the bird had gotten stomache or the spot's da public toilet of the birds.
...i was just behind the people who gotten the crap.
if i'd been just one sec earlier, i would be working at subway with bird crap on me.

talking about subway, did i ever mention my manager's a basturd?
well, not really lah...
he copied my hair cut and colour, and told me to change my hair so that we won't be mistaken as brothers, or worst, gay couples
fuck him lah.
copy me? never mind.
still wanna ask me to change? wtf.
but i'm also sick of the customers who asked if we two are brothers
and damn josiah and junyu who kept saying me and him look the same. wth.

anyway, i would be starting school at lasalle soon..
looking forward to it..
but for now, it's a countdown to my trip to HK!
8 more days! woot!
(people who can lend me and jo their digi cam for the trip, is greatly appreciated. if not, we'll have to use our pathetic handphones to take photos there)
| //jay.written.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005
11:58 PM
jayden@lazy bum
eh.. too lazy to write... i'll just do some photoblogging... :)

when it gets too boring at work...

kewl restaurant name

evil lurking in the toilets of orchard mrt

astro sightings @ heeren

mua new hair colour!

gosh... nowadays everything can be found at ntuc fairprice...

disclaimer: above pictures are not edited
| //jay.written.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005
9:37 PM
was working normally..
and came this malay couple who commented that i look like sylvester sim...

guy: eh! you look like the.. the.. singapore idol chinese guy...
(his hands were mimicking he's holding a microphone) wahaha
girl: ya...!
me: WAHAHAHA... really?
(abit lost for words)

hmm.. sly lookalike.
is that good or bad?
well, good or bad, that made my day...

went to extend my passport after work...
trip to hongkong with jo! (in june)
kind of excited about it...
and so, i'm saving real hard now for the intensive shopping there...

sigh... three quaters of my pay is gone just to pay for the trip.
nevertheless, i'm saving the rest(and also next month's pay) for the shopping spree.

people, please don't tempt me to buy anything expensive now.
| //jay.written.




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blog ver. one


December 2004
January 2005
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June 2005
July 2005