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Yu-Yu-Hakusho Haven

Welcome Yu-Yu-Hakusho fans. Im sure you will find everything you need to know here at my wonderfull site. If not than GO TO HELL! I mean.......... E-Mail me, yeah thats it. E-Mail me to find what you are looking for... oh and by the way the list of links and stuff to do on my site is right after the message board just in case it gets really long or something and you can't see it..... Hope you find what you are looking for..... Pst(do you think they bot it?)

Message Board

1. June 12, 2003- Good news the main page is up....only took 3 minutes but YAY ha ha ha.Any ways I'm really glad you all came here even though my site has nothing on it! lol. Any ways you should come back in like a few days. should be done by then. See ya ^_^

And Heres something fony for today.

Everyday we get a call from this woodpecker.

He tells us that the tree is coming along nicley. And that it should be done soon. He says that the sap inside is making it tough though. You should listen to woodpeckers. We do.....Bees to.

