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My Funny or Maybe Unfunny Webshite(!)
hello and welcome!

Ok so this is nowhere near finished yet, i have yet to upload most of my rubbish but heres a few links so far lol:

About Me:
  • Random boredom-curing Internet Surfer (non-addicted type)
  • Living in sunny Scotland in the UK
  • Studying Nursing, and have mildly obsessive interests in writing numerous pages of mindless babble when bored, Or if i feel the compulsion to talk to the computer. Yes i am pretty bananas.
  • Some of my photos!

  • amusing signs - these are real

  • DSM IV criteria for Female Driving Syndrome
  • ___

    Disclaimer: This website is not meant as fact - nor is it completely scientifically sound. Is is however, my articles, my humour (sick as it may be) and here for me and the other sick humour people to enjoy!)