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The Website Devoted To The Acceleration Of The Evolution Of  The Human Race


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  "You want one axiom, one rule about how to live your life, two simple words to tell you what is morally right?  It's 'The Truth'."

   Probably the biggest reason this site was born is the fact that the internet is the largest communication tool that has ever been built by man. Communication is the key to understanding, between individuals, and for global understanding. Understanding is the key to comfortable co-existence. Our personal motivation is happiness on earth, for everyone. Our intellectual motivation is the realization that in humanities in-depth study of the universe we have discovered un undeniable common ground for all humanity in the truth.

   The dictionary defines truth as:  consistent with fact or reality;    reliable as a basis for action;   in tune;   of real or natural origin;   right and not wrong, correct;   being what exists, rather than what was thought, intended or claimed...   but to me it is much more complicated.

   With close and in depth study of every molecule of the evolution of the universe you find that there are a few inescapable laws. All things are interrelated. All things act along an understandable, somewhat predictable path that you could call reality. Everything exists on a  scale, somewhere between their negative and positive possibilities of existence. The natural course of evolution is along the path of least resistance. Everything that can exist, will exist and what doesn't work, doesn't survive. 

   I encourage you to look at the Author's Personal Section and The New World Order and The Nuts and Bolts to get a full picture of what this site is all about. Our email address is at the bottom and we would appreciate your input.

   It is important that, right away, we clarify the use of the word 'evolution'. In all simplicity evolution is the fact that the things that exist today interact and create change, which makes tomorrow different. The physical evolution of the atoms of matter in the universe, in it's simplest and most complex forms, in their chemical reactions, exist separately from the intellectual evolution of the human race, as all things dependant and absolutely similar, independent and absolutely different. Scientists have been studying the evolution of this world right down to an atomic level for hundreds of years. They have a fossilized record a million years old . The things that we have found to exist in this universe behave in an explainable, consistent fashion. When you heat water to 100 degrees C it turns to vapour, every time, not some of the time or 99% of the time but always. There is not rules, or exceptions to the rules, but rather interaction and understandable reaction. Sure, there is still lots of mystery in the universe, but everything that we find to exist makes as much sense, and lives within the same possibilities of existence as everything that already exists. The fact that our study of the universe has produced inescapable truths, it is relatively safe to assume the same general principles that apply to the known universe, apply to the entire universe, universe being defined as 'all that exists'. Humanity might not have all the details about all that exists but they do have enough. If you study everything we have learned, and stand back and examine the entire picture of the known universe it is absolutely understandable. Once you have the entire puzzle it is obvious where each piece goes, yet beforehand they make no sense.


This page was last updated on 10/02/03

