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Home | Sign Up | Upgrade to Enhanced | Features | F.A.Q. | Forums | Awards | Tech Support is the original free Tag Board service that allows you to provide your visitors with real-time discussion without the complexity of forums. We offer two types of Tag-Boards: Enhanced and Basic. Take a look at the features below and decide which offer is best for you.

Enhanced Board features include:
  • All the features of the Basic Tag-Boards plus:
  • 100% Customization, including colors, emoticons, html formatting, and more
  • Control Evildoers with ip banning, flood control, profanity lists, and clone blocking
  • Chat back and forth in real time with auto refresh
  • Two ways of getting it:
    • Only $20/year with a 30 day 100% Money Back Guarantee
    • Free by signing up for advertiser offers such as free trials or credit card applications.
  • Plus, check out even more features here!

Basic Board features include:
  • Smilies has 18 smilies, most of which are available in over 250 different colors.
  • Alternating Background Colors
  • Email/URL Recognition: Email Addresses and URLs will automatically be converted to links.
  • Bold, Italics, Underline abilities.
  • Remotely Hosted - Just include some HTML on your site and you're up and running
  • Plus, check out even more features here!

Not only do we do all the work for you, we also give you 24 hour tech support, with friendly courteous staff. Tag-Boards are hosted on our servers, so all you need to do, is sign up, customize your board, and paste it to your site, you can leave the rest to us!

Sign up for one now!
Example Live Enhanced Tag-Board:
Powered by TagBoard Message Board

URL or Email


Rave Reviews!!!!
"Someone was posting under my name and started causing trouble ... so I had to upgrade to the Enhanced Board to block his IP. At such a cheap price though it doesn't matter :-) I love all the extra features I am getting with this enhanced board. It's great" -Will

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