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The Almighty Smurtaling Worblonk
The Voices.

The Official Crispy Roman of the Bubblewrapian Empire...

is the eight year old Almighty Smurtaling Worblonk, also known as...

Setsuna Dorei no Yami

The Voices

Severus Snape: He likes sitting under a blanket on Hogwarts roof, giggling madly. He does this for ages.

Tim the Enchanter: He has been called to defeat The Giggling One, who terrorizes the Sole Ruler of the Bubblewrapian Empire with fluffy pink cardigans.

Jarfunkle the Juiced: He tangos with me.

Shnook the Sting Ray: He tricks you into petting his tail, then you get stung. Stupid you, you listened to him.

Smooglankink the Pressed: Sole Ruler of the Voices-she enjoys eating popcorn found under couch cushions and likes snogging platapusses.

Bob: A round dot that lives within my mouth. He is coming to ECS on the 27th of May and he's bringing Rio.

Rio: My actual real life horse who has the voice of the French Guard in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Alan Rickman: My love, he is always within my thoughts. Bwaha.

About the ASW

The ASW is married to Macavity of the Jellical Tribe, but is having an affair with Rum Tum Tugger. As you may see here, this statement made by our Crispy Roman a while ago: "When done with my chicken mission, I shall join the league of Jellical Cats, for I am weird in that way. And we shall locate the evil Macavity and restrain him. As reward for his evil doings, he must kiss a tree! Yes, KISS THE TREE. Then I'll marry him and have an affair with Rum Tum Tugger, and blame it on SPOOT, The Vegetarian Mew (who helped her design her SooperGiggly Chambres)! And we shall have many happy wall denting nights and raise little bacon cheddar biscuits!"

Her fuzzle has also left her. He went to be drycleaned because he spilled Macadamia Nut Wine on his bumskwuzzler. He has a phobia of nickles.

How the Bubblewrapian Empire Came About

I will build a DARK CITADEL in PITTSBURGH, surrounded by the desolate wastes filled with MONKEY RIPPERS and FWOMBLING GNARGLES! BINGO NIGHT will be WEDNESDAY, and when the High Glunking Murdlfurt is not looking, I will slip POPROCKS into his fishpond and become the SOLE RULER OF THE BUBBLEWRAPIAN EMPIRE! I will quest for the BRONZE POTATO which turns INVINCIBLE when soaked in warm water, and use it to throw at TOURISTS, while singing the CHARMIN TOILET PAPER COMMERCIAL SONG! Then I will go on a cruise to the Yukon, seek out my turnip roots, return home and become a well-off executive in the Paper Drink Umbrella business who hears voices of Bob the Great Kipper and Suzanfookl Manderbinmgs.
~The Ambitions of R. Cybart, Evil Overlord of the BWE.

*Members of the Bubblewrapian Empire*

R. Cybart:Evil Overlord of the BWE.

The ASW:Crispy Roman of the BWE.

Calistoga Morgan Nathanael Alexandra Sinclair III the Chessian:Royal War Advisor of the BWE.

Spoot the Vegetarian Mew:Interior Designer of the BWE.

Braby Jean the Soup Nazi:Supreme Jester of the BWE.

The Devious Lurker:An outsider who is an ENEMY!

The Diabolical Do Badder of Disastardly Deeds:Spoot's ex, commits terrible felonies.

The Rum Tum Tugger:Entertainer of the BWE. Sexy cat in which the ASW is having her affair with.

Macavity:Law Enforcer of the BWE. The ASW's husband.

Kazul the Mighty :One of the Many Faithful Gnomes of the BWE.