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Now serving your number at The place to vent you gripes, complaints, and anything else that comes to mind.

Here are just a few of the things that are high on my list of frustrations

Here are some of my own vents to give you some insight into my own frustrations.

Have you ever tried to go shopping with a six-year-old on tax-free weekend (we have those here when school starts up). If you have, then you know that it's like Christmas in summer. You would think that the stores would expect this and try to arrange things so the customers would have a little more room to pass and choose items. I think that some of these managers of those stores have a twisted sense of humor. "Lets just see how many people we can get in this isle before some one loses it!"

Don't you hate it when things just don't go the way they should, just like they did for me at work today. I just could not find the things I needed to find. Its like someone knows the very things I need to find and loves to take and hide them or move them somewhere that they shouldn't be, then this person hides and snikkers as I spend time just trying to locate these important items.

Want to know what really makes me mad? If not, well tough luck I'm gona tell ya anyway!!! I just can't stand it when every thing doesn't go the way it should. The fact that I can't figure out what the problem is just infuriates the tee total @*// out of me. I guess I'm just a perfectionist when it comes to my work. I take pride in my work and want it to be the absolute best. When that doesn't happen I get down right peaved about it and want to just SCREAM "What the @$#& went wrong"

Have you ever tried to teach a six year old boy how to spell when all he wants to do is play. Talk about stress overload... It seems like when I get home from work that the War of The Wills continues with another battle on the homework front. It is a challenge just to get him settled down and focused on the task at hand. So far I seem to be leading in the number of battles won but I'll just have to wait for the test results to see if I'm winning the war.

Today was, well lets just say it rhymes with swell but means the total opposite. I spent the day trying to cope with a whiney youngen. It seemed that he was bound and determined to do the exact opposite of what he was asked or told. I ask him to do something--after all don't you catch more flys with honey than with vinegar?--and he refuses to do it. I know that I would rather be asked to do something than to be ordered to do it, so when asking failed to get the desired effect, I shift into drill seargeant mode, barking orders, threatening dire consequences,and dishing out punishments for insubordination. Needless to say, this went over like a lead balloon.

Even though my loving son must have thought that he was competing for the BRAT OF THE YEAR AWARD, I still love him with all my heart. I personally think he made a very good showing for the afore mentioned award but even as I wish him success in all things he does, this is one award I wish he had never went after.

It's things like the above complaints that I would like to put on this website, that way the world can see what really gets peoples stress levels to DEF-CON 10. So if you have any gripes, complaints, or anything that just bugs you . . . just drop a few lines at the email listed below and I'll see if I can list them here. Sharing the frustration doesn't make it go away, but it can take the explosiveness out of it. Just please no names, that way I can avoid looking like a finger pointer. Plus it will help me sleep at night. Thank you, remember it's better to blow the steam off here than at home. To see more gripes click here.

School gripes

Money gripes

Miscellaneous gripes

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