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a pyromaniacs oddly strange yet arrousing relationship stories

Sunday, 21 September 2003

part 5: the saga continues
hallo, i dont have long but i figured i could get yall up bout half way up the hill tonight. ok. we talked on friday night, saturday after she finnished work, and sunday, and monday morning at about 5:30, at school we did the tree-note,class-note, class-note thing again, she started writing "hey baby" at the beginning of every note. i was only there on monday because the rest of the week i was out of town doing family stuff, i was 800 miles away and i used a cell phone and an entire calling card to talk to her. when i called her sh had stayed home from school because she was sick, cant blame her. when i finnaly got back she wanted me to stay over at her house the next day which was saturday. i didnt because i had a suprise for her. i had bought a black miniskirt while i was gone and i had the perfect little tank top to go with it. also i was planning to die my hair black. she loves the girl group tatu, and i had the face shape to pullit off, so i did. i warned her in advance that there was a change and that she was going to hate me for it. (she hates it when i turn her on at school) i was at the tree at a normal time in all black. she drove up and she had a change going on too, she was wearing make up and her hair was down. when i saw her i lost my breath and my eyes mush have gotten as abig as dinner plates, she was so increadibly beautiful i just couldnt handle it. i claped my hand over my mouth and fell back wards. i caught my self befoer i fell compleatly, other wise she would have gotten to see more than i had planned, sooner than i had expected. she sat back in her car seat and just looked at me, laughing. i walked up and leaned into her car (cleavage!!!) i said "oh my god you are so hot..." she didnt respond to my coment. she only said "god, im going to murder you" i smiled my evil little smille and said "whats wrong, haveing alittle trouble are we?" she gritted her teeth and shook her head. ::haha im gunna leave ya hanging ill be back tomorrow if you want to see what knocked the air out of my ex, e-mail me, hoOters youv'e already seen it.

Posted by psy/stories at 3:26 AM MEST
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Saturday, 20 September 2003

yay #4
mmmk i had to take a day off because i had a football came to go to, i got home at 3 this morning. at school all day and night... any how i ought to get going on my story. i dont know the ending yet because it hasnt happened. this is all true, god i love this girl. ok to the story...
it took a couple of days for us to get closer. 3 actually. on that thursday i gave her a note that had the words "du hast mich" german for "you have me" and the next note i got from her was on friday morning before school asking if that ment that we were girlfriends. i responded in a note between 1stand 2nd by messing with her some more "it your call" she left early that day to pick up her cousin, she brought him to school during 4th to meet me, we did that normal teenage hand slide but we held on a little longer so it looked like we were shaking hands. she told me, looking strait in my eyes that her call was yes. all i could do was smile. ::well that how this all started it goes up hill from here then drops like bricks, remember its not the fall that hurts its the sudden stop at the end. song of the day: the last kiss by pearl jam, kinda old but still good.
---the teddy

Posted by psy/stories at 10:56 PM MEST
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Friday, 19 September 2003

yay part 3..........again.
hey i would have posted last night but i couldnt get my computer to work right.mmmmk. back to the story, well we exchangd notes like 3 a day, then i got this one note that freaked me out a little but in a good way. one line was "have you ever liked one of your friends and you family and friends ask 'have yall kissed yet' 'what have you done with them?'" at the time i didnt even consider that being me, until the next morning when i was waiting for her by this tree at school and i liked to carry her bookbag to the band room. i found this note book full of poems, i asked her if i could read them,of course she said yes. (this is a tuesday)i read them in first and when i got to the last poem i kinda just stoped short and smiled, i couldnt stop smiling all day. the poem was "you make me shine" and it was so sweet, after school i went with her to her house, nothing happened because i was still going out with dave at the time. we got to talking on the way back to the school and she was like "so did you like my poems?" clearly knowing i was dying to talk about them. i said "yeah they were really good, i especially like that one, uh, you make me shine" she smiled and said "you know who that is about right?" i wanted to mess with her head so i named off her friends and her sister, she hit me for saying daniele's name "eww gross!" you know that deal. and i was like "well who is it then?" and she got really really quiet and put her hand over her mouth like always but i could see her smile. i was like "uh...oh...OH! oh ok..." i kept my self from getting that huge smile on my face. we kinda kept quiet till we got to school then we carried on our "normal" lives during rehersal. the next day we did the normal meet at the tree, walk to class, meet after first, and meet before 4th. notes at each meeting of course. on the way out to the track to practice drill i walked up behind her ang grabed her wait like i always did and we walked down the steps and i said "hey you know that poem from yesturday, well i thought id let you know(you could see the look of anticipation on her face) that i fell the same way." ok still not cheating on dave, just because i like a girl doesnt mean im cheating on him.she started to smile and i didnt see any thing but a smile on her face, ever. during our water break we walked up to the top of the small track stadium and talked."so what do we do about this predigement?" i just twitched my mouth to the side and said "i dunno, i had planned on breaking up with dave any how"(lies i wanted her so much i would have killed dave) she did the shoulder salute and smiled. we were called to get back on the field so she ran down the steps but i jumped from row to row, after about the 3rd jump i fell an landed on my back on the ground, nothing broken, just bruises.(that wasnt really relevent but it was fun to do) the next week i was gone the next day i took dave to the tree and i broke up with him, nicely,he did the whole "so are you looking at any other guys?" i was like "no not really" she drove up as i was saying that and she got out of her car slowly. "dave was trying to be funny and he said "its her, isnt it?" i was like "oh yeah lemme tell ya, come on out girl he knows." she came out from behind a truck and was like "huh what" he said "so your the one who is taking her away from me?" she gave me this look of severe fear. i shook my head a little to let her know that he didnt really know i just kept looking at her. we stood up and walk towards the band room. i took her around the corner next to the band truck and busted out laughing. she said "oh my god, when he said that,ugh i was about to slap you so hard." i was like "i wanted to say 'you have no idea how much so' so badly, but i didnt." we went back to our little groups with our normal faces and just realxed a little. dave was asked out by the dorkyest girl in band like 2 min after i broke up with him. it wasnt going to last with dave even if "she" hadnt come along. he was 18 going on 19 and i was 14 going on 3. kinda illeagal. well i am getting alittle tired now and my best bud is online so i will let yall respond to my blogs (you better) so bu byes to all.

Posted by psy/stories at 2:52 AM MEST
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yay part 3..........again.
hey i would have posted last night but i couldnt get my computer to work right.mmmmk. back to the story, well we exchangd notes like 3 a day, then i got this one note that freaked me out a little but in a good way. one line was "have you ever liked one of your friends and you family and friends ask 'have yall kissed yet' 'what have you done with them?'" at the time i didnt even consider that being me, until the next morning when i was waiting for her by this tree at school and i liked to carry her bookbag to the band room. i found this note book full of poems, i asked her if i could read them,of course she said yes. (this is a tuesday)i read them in first and when i got to the last poem i kinda just stoped short and smiled, i couldnt stop smiling all day. the poem was "you make me shine" and it was so sweet, after school i went with her to her house, nothing happened because i was still going out with dave at the time. we got to talking on the way back to the school and she was like "so did you like my poems?" clearly knowing i was dying to talk about them. i said "yeah they were really good, i especially like that one, uh, you make me shine" she smiled and said "you know who that is about right?" i wanted to mess with her head so i named off her friends and her sister, she hit me for saying daniele's name "eww gross!" you know that deal. and i was like "well who is it then?" and she got really really quiet and put her hand over her mouth like always but i could see her smile. i was like "uh...oh...OH! oh ok..." i kept my self from getting that huge smile on my face. we kinda kept quiet till we got to school then we carried on our "normal" lives during rehersal. the next day we did the normal meet at the tree, walk to class, meet after first, and meet before 4th. notes at each meeting of course. on the way out to the track to practice drill i walked up behind her ang grabed her wait like i always did and we walked down the steps and i said "hey you know that poem from yesturday, well i thought id let you know(you could see the look of anticipation on her face) that i fell the same way." ok still not cheating on dave, just because i like a girl doesnt mean im cheating on him.she started to smile and i didnt see any thing but a smile on her face, ever. during our water break we walked up to the top of the small track stadium and talked."so what do we do about this predigement?" i just twitched my mouth to the side and said "i dunno, i had planned on breaking up with dave any how"(lies i wanted her so much i would have killed dave) she did the shoulder salute and smiled. we were called to get back on the field so she ran down the steps but i jumped from row to row, after about the 3rd jump i fell an landed on my back on the ground, nothing broken, just bruises.(that wasnt really relevent but it was fun to do) the next week i was gone the next day i took dave to the tree and i broke up with him, nicely,he did the whole "so are you looking at any other guys?" i was like "no not really" she drove up as i was saying that and she got out of her car slowly. "dave was trying to be funny and he said "its her, isnt it?" i was like "oh yeah lemme tell ya, come on out girl he knows." she came out from behind a truck and was like "huh what" he said "so your the one who is taking her away from me?" she gave me this look of severe fear. i shook my head a little to let her know that he didnt really know i just kept looking at her. we stood up and walk towards the band room. i took her around the corner next to the band truck and busted out laughing. she said "oh my god, when he said that,ugh i was about to slap you so hard." i was like "i wanted to say 'you have no idea how much so' so badly, but i didnt." we went back to our little groups with our normal faces and just realxed a little. dave was asked out by the dorkyest girl in band like 2 min after i broke up with him. it wasnt going to last with dave even if "she" hadnt come along. he was 18 going on 19 and i was 14 going on 3. kinda illeagal. well i am getting alittle tired now and my best bud is online so i will let yall respond to my blogs (you better) so bu byes to all.

Posted by psy/stories at 2:48 AM MEST
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Wednesday, 17 September 2003

welcome back
hey i see youve come back to read my blog again, this is only part two of my story. well well well were did i leve off...ah ok, the next time i saw her for a long perido of time was at the band preview, she asked me if i wanted to hang out after wards till my curfew(im 3 years younger than her) i said sure and the whole band thing went well. after wards she introduced me to her sister daniele and her friend alisia, it was all fun and stuff, alisia got like the only picture that exists of me willingly smiling. we were on our way to dairy queen (long ways away) and i was in the front seat while she was
driving (eek! but seriously she is a good driver) and she looked at me while daniele and alisia were talking and she asked me "have you figured them out yet?" i was like "uh yeah i think im getting the drift" i felt so akward becaue i was in a car with 2 peopl i didnt know any thing about except that they were gay, and then there was her and her little nephew, chris. i didnt know she was bi, she didnt know i was. it was fun at dairy queen. i found out that not all lesbians are sexy crazy. (horny and sex crazy are not the same thing, also i sill dont know, nor want to know, how they get laid.) we went back to the highschool so daniele could get her car (alisia drove) after daniele and alisia left we went driving around aimlessly. we started talking about alisia and daniele, and she was like asking me what i thought about them, i said they were nice, cuz they were. she said that they thought i was nice too(aw shit my lips are so chapted right now)i dont remember what the exact question was but i do remember that i ended up telling her was bi, she got this big smile on her face that she was trying to hide by rubbing her hand over her mouth. even though it was dark outside. and she said "really? uh so am i" all i said was cool, i didnt really have any idea what to say next. i went home at 10 and the next time i saw her was the first day of school. i gave her a hug and carried on with my day. the next daay we exchanged our first notes.(i still have all of them. mmmhmm getting tired there is a really good part coming up soon so keep on keepin on and read my blog tomorrow to get he next part of my strange as fuck story.
ook now off the story subject, today my day sucked. slept in science wrote notes and got stoned in history (pills not markers) actually did my work in math (i was so stoned i could actually stay focused) and in band we marched, nikki still hasnt even spoken to me. its depressing. then i had to have band rehersal and play in the band at the powder puff games. then i got home. tired ttyl.
----the teddy

Posted by psy/stories at 5:45 AM MEST
Updated: Wednesday, 17 September 2003 5:46 AM MEST
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Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Posted by psy/stories at 5:04 AM MEST
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003

feel free
hey, feel free to post your own stories, good bad ugli, please dont try to keep it clean, respond to each others stories and mine, this is a place where you can get shit off your chest with out getting in trouble or making people mad. dont worry if you think peopl will know its you just post with a made up name for i care.

Posted by psy/stories at 1:36 AM MEST
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friendly connections
this is a story that will be continued at different times, i am a really horny 14 year old bisexual from a small town in florida. im kinda a tease too. (lol)if you are at all offened by this, getout of this page and delete it from your history because i will allways be offending to you. Isn’t it cute how couples always have their song, their first song together, and their last song together, so on so forth. Some times people can give a special song to the stupidest occasions, like “first time I ever stepped on your shoe before we met” its honestly retarded. My ex girl-friend(4 weeks and 6 days), when I first met her we were at a band function and it was raining out side so I was bare foot on the charter bus and I was pushing my self up from the side of my chair, I slipped and I punched hr in the face, it was a total accident but she did get a good shiner after that, I borrowed her cd‘s a minute later and listened to a song by eminem, with out me, I forgot about her for a couple of days till the band Lock-in, the entire band was in a bowling alley and I was driving some video game and a really good song called “girl all the bad guys want” came on, naturally I started singing, I was talking to her trying to explain what the singer meant by “she wears a two way but im not quite sure what that means” I didn’t know exactly what it meant but I had a feeling it had to do with being bi, so I was messing with her and making her guess and when she finally guessed she kinda went quiet, at the pool I was wearing the smallest bikini top possible and a pair of board shorts, I was climbing up the high dive and I turned around and said “wish me luck” she just nodded, when I dived off my top came up before I did, I being the wild dumb little freshman I was, came up laughed my head off then dived back under and put it back on. Im such a tease. So I got out and got back in line to get on the diving board and I notice that she keeps looking at me so I turn my head and laugh alittle. I tell her to come over to the high dive so I could have a back up just in case my bikini came off again. And I walked up the ladder moving my hips alittle more than usual. I did a belly flop on purpose and came out of the water my chest was red as brick and hot and I was getting severe T.H.O, so I was like oh my god feel how hot my chest is and I put her hands on my boobs and I saw her eyes get alittle bigger, it was so fucking funny. On the bus on the way home I was sitting next to my boyfriend at the time and the sun was rising, it was so beautiful, he said some romantic stuff and I turned to her and said “ok, im about to kiss him when I do can you please like ask him if its ok for me to sit with you, to avoid strange silences.” Then I kissed him it seemed like forever cuz it was the worst kiss ever. When I pulled away I licked my lips and smiled (tease). Then she did what I asked her too, we talked all the way to school. Well that’s it for days insert, to morrow ill continue my odd adventures and experiments. Freak ya out laterz.

Posted by psy/stories at 1:33 AM MEST
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