Click here for frosh week updates


05/10/30 Posted by The Wheelman

Haven't posted anything here in a long long time and with so many new developments to speak of, I thought it was time to do some updating and to also write a short post.

This year SFT has actually managed to gather quite a few good guys and form a hockey team. With some strong negotiating and a few key aquisitions by SFT management, this year's team seems very competative and industry sport analysts expect the team to go far in this season's playoffs.

SFT jereys are a new addition to our team as well as some other SFT VIP members. Also, check out the new hockey page that includes the SFT 05/06 Roster and Schedule.

Also, next February, many SFT members and select VIP's will be taking the fucking ride of their lives to Cuba for what will undoubtedly be the best most drunk week of their lives. Rooms have all been finalized, all there is to do now is to wait and possibly practice how to order and down many many drinks (cause when they're free, it takes an experienced drinker to take full benefit of the opportunities at hand here).

As you can tell from the date above, this past weekend was Halloween and once again Bishops showed its true potential. Jordo and Marcus threw down an impressive pre-Cuba beach party at Le Tavern-Nac followed by a giant throw down Saturday night hosted by no other than Storie, Greenhow and Carter.

On a final note, as you all may have witnessed or heard, the wall in our apartment got real fucked up. On a positive note, Bell and myself have taken on the challenge of restoring this disaster of a wall to its former condition. In doing so, we will document the process and turn it into a small series called "HAMMER TIME" that will get published into "The Campus". Look for this article and others that deal with cheap post party fixes in the upcomming weeks.

Thats all for now, ask me for the password if you know how to use basic HTML and want to post shit up here, Peace Out.

Download here, pigfeet

04/09/26 Posted by Don

Secret Links!!!



04/09/26 Posted by Carter

Dearest friends,

We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of our beloved fallen brother, Uncle Ron. Despite being a waste of life himself, I feel it is my duty to deliver a eulogy for the poor son of a bitch.

He was a bitter old man who would drive drunk in his big Toyota truck and run over the local children around Lennoxville, which is why his death is so ironic, being that he was hit by an 18 wheeler. Anywho, he led a worthless life of screwing prostitutes and most things that walk. He was the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world; the epitamy of all things dirty and bad. He was a dirty, bad man.

A terrible loss? Fact or fiction? You decide...

04/09/19 Posted by That Dead Guy From Winnipeg

So - it's great to hear that you are all doing well - but it even better to hear that I was recently killed in a car wreck! Glad to know that this year at Bishop's is off to a great start for me!

And I have to agree with Don - none of us were gay enough to get into a frat - what a bunch of cum-guzzlin fags!

Europe is cool for those of you who care - so in other words no one since no one is gonna read this shit!

And on that note - later!



So, except for Carter, were all here now and I would like to be the first to say "Fuck the kids, right in thier stupid asses".

Yes, its another year of dick and fart jokes, pretending to study and damage to our livers. Other people might write about how cool SFT is, but thats fucking dumb, SFT is fucking dumb, thats pretty much it. Were all just a bunch of assholes who werent goddamn gay enough to get into a frat. So fuck you, were not cool, and if you're reading this, you're an idiot, get the fuck off my website you peice of shit. Fuck you and fuck BU, burn it to the ground for all I care. Im going to get hammered, seriously though, get the fuck off my website, this is dumb and you're dumber for reading it.

Go fuck yourself. Seriously.

04/07/06 Posted by Jordo

Holy shitfucktits... what just happened is definately not good.. I come to check out the website and guess whats being advertised? Sanitary Napkins, Menstrual Products, and female products. In case you haven't figured it out yet, allow me to explain. Web marketers have become so intelligent that they design special randomizing ads to suit topics and content of a webpage. Smart huh? thats what I thought.. But hey look here... a 10 paragraph story bout maxi pads and 'yea's. Well the ad comes along and skims through this website and says "hmmm... cant advertise how to destory evidence of murder.... hmmm cant advertise the word 'yea'... hey MAXI PADS!! AWOOOOOOO CHA CHING CHA CHING. So great, now this website is about maxi pads..fuck

In better news, Papineau has been upgraded this year and we're goin to Tremblant. Playin at Le Diable, stayin in some swank chalets.... Its gonna be a party. We have two nights booked, killer. Anyways, you wanna come let me know.

Me and the kitch are at bish on the there there


04/06/27 Posted by The Wheelman

Well. Its been a long time since I reported any happenings. Thats probably because I do the same thing over and over. Work --> Beer --> Bed.

Last night we had a mini BU reunion as Captain Pain threw a party at his pad in Hudson. Of course, like usual, Shawn drank a lot and once again went totally crazy and almost got into a fight. This time it was Jim's sister who wanted to punch Shawn in the face. Yes folks, the same sister who is having sex with his best buddy. I got wasted enough that I decided I couldn't drive home, even though thinking back, I know I could have. It wasn't a completely bad decision though, as I did get some company while in bed....but not with any chicks....Shaws dog decided that she would sleep next to me all night. Oh baby!

Anyhoo, Jim Shawn and I are planning on mouving into our place July 31 weekend. So if any of you wanna throw a kegger at that time to practice for Frosh, I'm in.

Talk to you all in a bit, later

04/06/09 Posted by Carter


Greetings and salutations gentlemen. I thought it was about time for an update, despite being one of the busiest white guys on the planet - what with all the masterbating I do... JOKE! I am working harder than a mexican... ummm whore, a mexican whore... on coke (coca-cola)... and speed (running fast), at the same time... I guess.

So how about that Maury folks? Still in Lennoxvegas... that poor bastard. Now if I know Maurence, which I don't, I bet he's cut a hole in the wall to fuck the shit out of on a daily basis, and good for him for doing so. Keep fighing the good fight dude.

Oh yeah, and then one night about a month ago Storie got rediculously drunk (surprise surprise) and couldn't remember the SFT order, he kept saying "fuck shit tits." WHAT A DUMB-DUMB HEAD!! HO HO HO.

In all honesty I've had nothing more interesting than that since leaving school. Perhaps it's time for a change. Oh well, I suppose it could be worse... even for you, dearest Maury, at least you don't eat your own poo or know so much about kidney stones like Don does.

Thank fuck for that...

04/05/18 Posted by Jordo

What the hell is up all. Nothin new to report here but that the new fortycentfix record is currently being mastered and then sent out to production to be in stores at the start of July. To give all the SFTers a sneak preview, I've managed to snipe the newest track off the album and it kicks complete ass. Here ya go guys, check it out here


04/05/13 Posted by an intoxicated Jordan Douglas

What's up family... The new fortycentfix is absolutely unbelievable... Im gonna upload it to the site really soon for everybody to hear it... but it sounds really different (a good different) I'm busy drinking right now... so not yet.. But soon, I'll upload it to the site so you can download it... Anyways, Peace. J-Rod

04/05/07 Posted by the Wheelman

Well.... Glad to that the SFT site is being updated independently. I haven't been to the site in a little bit, probably because of the fact I work so Shit Fuck Titting much. I'm also not in a very funny mood cause I just wanna get wasted, so just try to remember a time when I did or said something stupid and think of than for now. I hope everyone is up for some crazy drinking and partying and drinking and drinking this summer cause I wanna plan a thing at my place, Jimmy is having a Jimapaluza and we are all going to Warped tour then hitting it up to "The Ville" (Lennoxville) for a kegger. Anyways, I'm out....going to the bar, finally.

04/05/02 Posted by Jordiddler

Holy shitfucktits. I am hungover as shit as we speak, Saturday nights are killing me. I dont know about the rest of you, but I've been keeping up with my drinking habits... Storie and Carter have yet to come down and visit. Every wednesday and saturday I am off of my ass in the town bars, and every thursday and sunday i am terribly hungover. That is all. Oh yes, and the habs suck as bad, but probably worse than Ottawa.

04/04/23 Posted by Carter

And then there were 6...

Well Shit Fuck Tits, everyone has left the headquarters except for Storie, Maury, Miller, Blair, and myself. We are all bored as fuck...

On a more better note, we messed up Mike the RA's car last night. I still can't believe I satyed up until 1:30am to cover a car in garbage bags and duct tape. Procrastination is masterbation I guess.

Oh, and before all this garbage bag business came about, Miller (a.k.a. the stupidest faggot ever) talked about this cool circle thing that you could throw and it would fly like 800 yards. According to Dr. Maurence Poopypants, this is approximately 1.5 miles... just to put Miller's idiocy into context.

Before I go, I'll leave you with this thought: What is worse than finding a worm in your apple? Getting AIDS.


05/10/30 Posted by Hewat

God, this is so old...Here's an update, Frosh week is over, we all got drunk lots, became judges this year, got real drunk for a week straight for just about zero money and now Greenhow Miller and Steph are thinking about running the show next year. Till then, this area will most likely see no updates.

04/04/08 Posted by Hewat

After our Rez formal, we dragged our drunk asses over to Prospect Street for a Frosh party that included such greats as coordinators, judges and of course us frosh leaders. After seeing what future frosh week is going to include, let me say that this frosh week is going to be completely Shit Fuck Tits, awooo!

04/04/04 Posted by Hewat

Well, its a %99.9 chance that we will have a frosh group next semester, it all depends on Bruce Stevenson and whether our shananigans over the semester will keep us from Froshies....I have yet to see an exact rule that says jumping off an arena is bad.

04/04/03 Posted by Hewat

As some of you may know, the Jigger, Steph and I have applied to be Frosh week leaders for the next semester. I hope you all know that if we indeed get this position, next year will completely be Shit Fuck Tits! For those interested in getting SFT shirts made, it will happen next year for Frosh baby.

We'll keep you updated

Design By the Wheelman, Jordo and The Kitch