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~~ Basic Info ~~
~~ Powers Info ~~
  • Samantha possesses the ability to generate electrostatic energy at a rate of about 500 volts per minute and store up to 250,000 volts. At 5 feet, her maximum charge is more than enough to kill a normal man. Sparks is able to emit lightning arcs from her fingertips at speeds of up to 600 feet per second, achieving a maximum distance of about 50 feet. As well as creating Satic feilds around person or persons that are virtually impenatrable as long as she is at full power and the person is with a 1/2 mile raidus.
  • In addition, she can override electrically powered devices and manipulate them mentally, from heavy cranes to delicate alarm systems. As well just learning to levitate/fly as she uses her own Bio-Electricity to push against the ground sort of like two magnets pushing against each other and magentizing metal objects to move them from one place to another , has experimented and can lift only up to 200lbs of metal at once so far. But can target a specific size and shape in a 1/2 mile radius and bring it all to her.If it has a sliver of a metal in it. (i.e. Coin sized objects/guns/ and ect.))

BACKGROUND ~~~~~~~~>>>>>>
