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Stephanie Nicole Keltner

Hi! My name is Stephanie Nicole Keltner. I am creating this web page for my CSC 110 class. I can not believe how hard this actually is! This class has been fun and I have actually learned alot. After I got the hang of this web page stuff, I think it is addicting now! Well, I guess I will tell you a little bit about me. I am 5'7 with brunette hair and blue eyes. I am from Columbia, Ky,. but I have lived in Richmond, Ky for three years. I am attending school at Eastern Ky University where I am studying Psychology. I plan to attend graduate school next fall and become a School Psychologist! Yay!

I am an Alpha Delta Pi at EKU, and I am also SAE sweetheart. I have two younger brothers, one who will attend EKU in the fall, and another who is a Junior at ACHS. I work at Eastern State Mental Hospital as an Mental Health Associate. I love all my friends and love being me. I have a cat named Shady, and Kalen, my boyfriend says someday I can have a housedog... I live with three guys, one is Kalen, which makes me a fulltime housecleaner on the side. Haha!

That about sums up everything about me!

Things I Want To Do In The Future

My Favorite Web Sites

My College!
All my friends and more of me!
Pictures of me!
My Friends
