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An Experience with Reverse Speech

Here I'm recording myself for the first time, having just gotten my microphone to work. I recorded for about a minute. The bit that follows, cut from the beginning (the end of the backwards version), stood out the most.

At the time of the recording, I'm chatting with Tina on MSN messenger. She's telling me about a big T.V. she'll be getting for Christmas, and I'm feeling down and self-absorbed. I just broke up with my boyfriend, James, and am pretty upset about it. I'm trying hard to stay strong an calm about the breakup.

This is the recording.

I didn't think to play it backwards until later.

Here it is, backwards, at normal speed.

And backwards at slow speed.

As you can (hopefully) tell, what was "I don't care" forwards translates to "I want money" backwards.

It's true, I do want money. ^_^ I'm broke, and have a history of being a bit jealous of the good fortune Tina has. **

In the second part, "Tina's talking to me about some new T.V. she's getting for Christmas" translates to "(jibberish) James (slight jibberish) won't even talk to me."

At that point, James and I had talked on the phone a couple times, only to say things like "I'm picking up my stuff now, bye." I remember that at the time I was longing to have a real conversation with him.

I complained about Tina's TV, and my subconscious complemented it.

Man, and I thought I believed in reverse speech before....


** Tina's awesome of course -- one of my best friends... I really hope she doesn't get offended by what I said. ^_^ I was feeling pretty emotional.