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My Favorite things about Power Slackin'

My Favorite Web Sites and Links to Additional Pages of 'Power Slacker Magazine (Online)'

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PAGE 2 OF POWER SLACKER MAGAZINE (a look at Chapter 3 of 'Power Slackin' For Dummies')
PAGE 3 OF POWERSLACKER MAGAZINE: 'Newborn Infants Forced to Listen to Motzart' (continued)
PAGE 5 OF POWER SLACKER MAGAZINE: John Hinkley For President

_____Welcome to POWER SLACKER MAGAZINE!!! _____You're about to embark on a new and different chapter in your life! So, brace yourselves! Send me ideas! Send me pretty pictures etc. You can read excerpts from my book 'Power Slackin' For Dummies' if you're really good! So, c'mon! Send me some crap! (See my e-mail link below.)_______________________________________________________PS: Hide yer daughters. _____________________________________________________________DATELINE: December 10th, 2003 11:35pm DVST (Death Valley Standard Time) or 12:35 MUST (Moab, Utah Standard Time: NEW B-COMPLEX VITAMIN (B-238) PROVEN TO BE 'RADIOACTIVE'!!! __________________________________DATELINE: November 11th, 2003 4pm LVST (Las Vegas Standard Time) or 7:30 SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): After much fussing and mussing Tim and I were able to get this thing online and ready for public viewing. Thank you Tim. So, today I'm going to dedicate my first excerpt from my book 'Power Slackin' For Dummies' to Tim for his vallient efforts in helping me to get this monkey cart started and showing me some basic ropes so that the whole world can bennifit from the virtues that is 'POWER SLACKIN'. God bless you Tim! _________________________________DATELINE: November 12th, 2003 9:45am LVST (Las Vegas Standard Time), or 1:15pm SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): As I continue to learn more about building a web page I'll be adding more and more bells and whistles to help make this online magazine a more unique and elightening experience for all you logger-onners out there. I get a feeling that 'Power Slacker Magazine' is going to really take off. I'm always open to any ideas out there that poeple might have concerning any content to be added to this web sight, especially 'bad' poetry for 'Bad Poetry Corner' or any other online magazine links people might have. I'll ad your link to my web sight if you add my link to yours, fair enough? You can e-mail me at Thanks!____________________________DATELINE: November 13th, 2003 11:25pm LVST (Las Vegas Standard Time), or 2:45am SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): I'm posting the rest of Chapter three right now. I'll be starting on chapter four next. Readership of this sight is picking up slowly but surely. The big promotional push will begin next week. Stay tuned for more Power Slackin' news as time keeps marching on. Also, I'm looking for someone who can draw comic strip style art, especially bunnies. If that someone is you, please e-mail me at Thanks! ___________________________________DATELINE: November 14th, 2003 9:12:37am LVST (Las Vegas Standard Time), 9:07:12-9:10:03 TPLST (TPL [Thousand Points of Lights Inc.] Standard Time [depending on what clock on the wall your looking at]), or 12:42 SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): (Rochester, NY): NEWBORN INFANTS BEING FORCED TO LISTEN TO MOTZART AGAINST THEIR WILL IN A BIZARRE ARTIFICIAL INTELLEGENCE ENHANCEMENT EXPERIMENT! Good God what will they think of next! It's come to my attention that so-called 'doctors' at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, NY are engaging in an unusual (to say the least) experiment whereby they use newborn infants (or babies as most people would call them) as test subjects in an attempt to see what effects (if any) listening to the recorded compositions of the well-known (and now deceased) master composer Wolfgang Amadeus Motzart would have on the fragile minds and psychies of these helpless so-called 'babies'. (Continued on Page 3. [Look for, then click the link above in the 'My Favorite Web Sites' section called 'Newborn Infants...']). _______________________________________DATELINE: November 15th, 2003 6:33pm LVST (Las Vegas Standard Time), 10:03 SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): (Sacramento, CA): GOVERNOR ELECT ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER TO RENAME CALIFORNIA 'PLANET AUSCHWITZ'. In a bold and unexpected move today California's newly elected governor Arnold Schwarzenegger made an anouncement reguarding his intentions to rename the state of California to 'Planet Auschwitz' based loosely on the well-known celeberty themed resturant/hangout chain owned by the movie star turned politician, with a twist based on his homeland Austria which just happens to also be the former home of the world renouned facist dictator Adolf Hitler founder of The 'Third Riecht', 'The Nazi Party', and 'The Auchwitz Concentration Camp For Wayward Jews and Other Non-Arians'...(Continued on page 4. [Once again, look up in the 'My Favorite Web Sites' section and click on '...Planet Auschwitz']).__________________________________________DATELINE: November 16th, 2003 7pm LVST Las Vegas Stendard Time), 10:30 SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): Still working on the 'Motzart Effect' and 'Planet Auschwitz' stories so there isn't a whole lot to report that is new today. But keep on checking in as there is always something bring updated or edited. It's like I have no life. But really I do. Do you care? Hey! That reminds me: Rush Limbaugh is about to get out of rehab and go back on the air. Maybe that'll hold you, you news hungry bastards!_____________________________________DATELINE: November 19th, 2003 12:40am LVST (Las Vegas Stendard Time), 4:10am SNST (Standard Nova Scotia Time): SCREW TIBET! FREE JOHN HINKLEY! OR... JOHN HINKLEY FOR PRESIDENT: "HE TOOK A SHOT AT THE MAN. NOW GIVE HIM A SHOT AT THE JOB". I CAN'T DECIDE ON WHICH ANGLE TO GO WITH, SO I'LL GO WITH BOTH (I HOPE THIS HEADLINE ISN'T TOO LONG). You know the drill (look up at the links)._____________________________________________________DATELINE: December 9th, 2003 4:14 ZST (Zzyxz Standard Time): WHEN GOOD CHIA PETS GO BAD. Now that the holiday season is upon us, our attentions are turned to 'peace on earth', 'good will towards men' (blah-blah-blah), and all that gift giving that goes along with it (stupid holidays). Certainly all the stores across America know this, and so do the makers of the 'Chia Pet'. Now, If you're like me (not bloody likely, but let's just pretend you are for a moment or two, Ok?), you've probobly seen those adorable ceramic confections prominently displayed in stores (like Walmart) and on TV comercials ("Ch-ch-ch-chia!").... (See the 'Page 6' link [above] for the rest of the story.)
