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Most 'ghost' photographers get lots and lots of orbs.

Most orbs are caused by reflected light returning to the camera lens.

The reason for this?

The position of the flash unit . On most older cameras, and on some pro-quality 35mm slr cameras, the flash unit is not 'built in' to the camera.

Although having a 'built in' flash is a great convenience, most of them are positioned too close to the lens itself.

By seperating the flash from the unit, (or by using proper lens filters) you can eliminate most orbs.

The other causes for orbs, include lens contaminates, and dust or moisture.

In this writers humble opinion, if an orb is perfectly round, it is very likely a reflection or dust mote.

If however the 'orb' is in motion, the likelyhood of ithaving other than natural causes increases.

Orbs by the tree

This Photograph was taken during an outside investigation. The reason it was never included in the groups website is simple.

Behind the tree there was an old car. Did the orb come as a result from reflection from the car?

likely it did, so the picture was never used.

Good example of an orb

This Group photo was taken by a member of the SPIRE group during an actual investigation.

There were correspondingly high emf readings, and temperature anomalies as well.

What makes this orb a good shot is the fact that the orb is half obscured by an object, and the orb is not perfectly round.

This is definitely an anomalous photo.


This is a very good 'ghost' photograph. It was taken using a chinon 35mm slr, 50mm lens, skylight lens filter, 400 asa film, and no flash. This anomaly appeared in the lower corner of the negative, and it is blown up quite a bit to be seen here.

Other pictures were taken at the same time, but none revealed this image.

The photo was of a tree in a graveyard.

There were confirming emf readings at the time the photograph was taken.

There you have some examples of both good and bad pictures. When examining 'ghostly photos, please keep in mind that sometimes it is best to remain critical.

Then, if you can eliminate the mundane, you get to the truely unexplainable. If you would like to know how to take spirit or ghost photographs, I would recommend the book by Dale Kaczmarek of The ghost Research Society.

there is a link to his site on the links page.

