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Welcome to College

My Previous Journal

This is my college journal. I started this journal while atttending Piedmont College, but am currentky at the University of Georgia i my third year. I had a baby on June 15, 2005, and I also am married as of December 14 2004. "The married life if the life for me..."

Now that I have described myself oh so pathetically, I am happy. Life does not take its toll on you if you take a toll on it also; you break even, only with better stuff. Any questions (though I know you don't), my email is . Let us begin. -Quinn

My new friends at HTML Code Tutorial are teaching me the html I've never bothered to learn until now. Yeah, I am feeling rather dorky, but at least I'm learning something.

2004 Journal Entries

June 2004 August 2004
September 2004 October 2004
November 2004 December 2004

2005 Journal Entries

September 2005 October 2005
November 2005 December 2005