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Pittsburgh Ghost Hunters
Hello, My name is Mark Rabusseau. I am also known as "Mark the Printer." My wife, Mary Lou and I have been hunting ghost for about 2 years now. It all started when we took a tour of haunted houses of the north side of Pittsburgh. It was not the kind of houses where someone jumped out to scare you. It was a narrated tour, where you stood in front of the house, a brief history of the house was given, along with what super natural occurrences have been experienced. We never entered the premises. That is until we came to the last house. The house was owned by Mr. DeSantis which he beautifully restored to its original Victorian Splendor.
While everyone was dispersed on the first floor, I was drawn to the stair case. While I was looking up the steps, I saw a grayish mist travel across the top of the steps and through a closed door. I didn't tell my wife because she didn't believe in ghosts and would probably rib me for what I saw. After 2 hours I could not contain myself, and I had to tell her. She said that's funny, becauseshe saw the same thing but from a different angle. She said she did not want to tell me because of all the years of saying ghost don't exists, she finally saw one. The next day we went back to Mr. DeSantis' house. Without embellishing he ask us exactly what did we see. After telling him, he said that he never told anyone on the tour about the ghost at the top of the steps. He said he had never seen it but guest in his home have reported to him that the ghost has been seen leaving the closed door and going up the stairs. Since then Mary Lou and I have been ghost hunting with our digital camera and EMF detector. Our best luck has been on the battlefields of Gettysburg. Most of the pictures we have are of orbs which seem to be semi-translucent balls of energy. When we ghost hunt we follow a list of guidelines such as no smoking, no rain or adverse weather conditions, it must be a clear day with no dust floating around. We don't see the ghost with our eyes, but the digital camera picks up the energy they seem to produce..

This photograph appeared in both the Chicago Sun-Times and the National Examiner. It was taken during an investigation in Batchelor's Grove Cemetery on August 10, 1991 with a group of GRS members. The picture is an enlarged black and white infrared shot taken of an area where many of the group noticed something unusual with some of the equipment they used. It shows a young woman sitting on a tombstone with parts of her lower and upper body being somewhat semi-transparent. The dress she is wearing is also out-of-date. It was taken by member, Jude Huff-Felz

Do you know of a haunted location?   Send us your location along with a brief history and P.S.P.R. will put it on our list to investigate.  Here is what is on our to do list:

1) Dixmount Mental Hospital-DONE      2) Heinz Regional History Center        3) Pittsburgh Play House                     4) Cathedral of Learning

Coming soon:              The results of our recent investigations

Roaming Monks at St. Vincent's Monastery and College is thought to be haunted by the spirits of monks who studied there. It is rumored that the spirit of one monk, killed in a mill accident during the early 19th century, traipses around the basilica's bell tower to this day. The founding priest of the college, Father Boniface, is rumored to appear so regularly -- once a year, to hear an Advent Mass -- that seeing his visage is jokingly referred to as a freshman initiation rite. Other spectral monks, their faces hidden by cowls, are rumored to wander the grounds between St. Vincent's and the nearby St. Xavier parish. One of these monks is said to, upon further inspection, have no face at all. - Mary Jones        Source:

The most Haunted House in the USA was in Pittsburgh goto page 3 Sign up for a ghost hunt and become a charter member of P.S.P.R. (Pittsburgh Society of Paranormal Research)

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