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Rev. Nikki

The Rev. Stands for Revolutionist!

An ordained minister and heathen, she utilizes the wisdom of Nature as well as the powers of Tarot, clairvoyance, roots, herbs, planets, candles, prayer, ritual and other workings to help better your life according to your spiritual beliefs.

"When I counsel people in regards to using prayers & sympathetic magick, I avoid using the word spell and use instead working. People imagine a spell as something you do once and get instant results with little effort, whereas a working requires effort, perseverance and dedication.

"Before undertaking a working, each petitioner should consider the following:

"'The mighty powers of worlds unseen do not give forth their help till men have done their best; they only help when man can do no more.' AGJC 46:11

"As above also below, on Earth as it is in Heaven. For the powers to work for you, you must work for what you want in the natural plane as well as the supernatural plane.

"One cannot disobey the laws of Nature and avoid the consequences using Magick.

"If a working is just, and the petitioner is sincere, has patience, faith and dares to believe, most likely s/he shall succeed regardless of the myth, religion and tradition used.

"Keep in mind, 'the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.' A selfish working attempted without considering the affects on others might by chance work out okay, but might also hit you with karmic blowback, or not work at all. This is not to threaten or scare you away from doing a certain kind of working, rather to exhort you to use logic and reasoning in choosing and designing one."

Blessings, Rev. Nikki

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The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ