Below is a letter sent by my brother to a bunch of our friends and myself. You probably won't understand the NB (New Beginings) stuff, but pay attention to the story.

Hello all,

It seems that lately all the letters sent to this group have been about, in one way or another, the issues and growing pains NB is experiencing lately. I wanted to send this as a different message, one of hope in God. They say God moves in mysterious ways, and that's true. He never fails and ALWAYS keeps His word. This is a testimony. A melancholy joy at God's answered prayer. Most of you know the situation, but some I've just recently met have not heard the story. I was married. Two years ago my wife decided to leave. I never, and still don't, understood why. She had excuses, but none that I felt deserved her leaving. This letter is not about the past, it's about the here and now so I won't go into detail. I struggled with this. Your wife, the one you love, leaving is not an easy thing to cope with. In my despair I prayed to God and asked Him to let me know beyond a shadow of a doubt weather she would return or not. My grandmother, not knowing my prayer, was praying for me one day and felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to tell me "two years". She told me she did not know what it meant or what it pertained to but I instantly felt impressed that it was God telling me I'd have to wait two years for my answer. So I waited. And waited. Those of you close to me know it wasn't an easy wait, but I stayed faithful. The past few months as the "two year" mark drew closer I began to worry. I worried that the answer would not be clear. I worried that I would make a mistake. God's view of marriage and divorce are very specific with very specific consequences for going out of his will. I didn't want to do anything to displease Him, so I was worried that the day would come and go with no real answer and would be left to guess what God wanted. I worried. Well, today is the two year anniversary of her leaving and God couldn't have been any clearer if He put writing on a wall. He told me two years and this is two years to the day! I want to retail the events of this morning and afternoon because God used so many different things to obtain His perfect timing. I woke up this morning wanting to be alone. I didn't have to work today so all was set. I decided to go to Erie and watch a movie. I left home and half way there noticed I missed a call from Amy. When I got to an area with a signal I called her back and she asked if she could go with me. I was a long way out, but for some reason I decided to go back and pick her up. While there Michael asked if he could go. He didn't have any money and I didn't want to pay for him so I said no. On the way out I decided to let him come. Amy had to go to the bank to get money so we stopped there. On the way out of the parking lot of the bank Michael told us he had to use the restroom. I intended to stop at the Country Fair in town, but forgot. I realized this outside of town and said I would stop at Country Fair in Union City. We got to Union City and passed the Red Apple. Amy said "aren't you going to stop there?" For some reason I wanted to go to the Country Fair so I said no. After Michael did his business we started to leave. I noticed that, of all the people in the world, Katherine, my wife, was at Country Fair filling up her tank. I pulled next to her and said hi. She was unreceptive and I started to pull away, then I realized that God was at work here so I pulled back and had a talk. In that talk, I'm not going to go into detail, she revealed things that gave me Biblical grounds for divorce. So we went across the street to her attorney's and signed the papers. This is not the ideal outcome for this situation, but I feel at ease about myself. I feel I did all I could to reconcile, but it was not wanted by Katherine. I feel bad for her, but I feel released by God and it is in that release and the fact that He answered His promise to give me direction in such a real and clear way that I find joy and peace in this situation. I am still in amazement at how God used so many "little things" this morning to get me there at just the right time to see her and actually get to talk with her about it. I guess the moral of the story is that if God tells you something, you don't need to worry. He will be faithful 100% of the time, we just need to be faithful to Him. Isn't He great?! Now, about NB. I have been asked by many people if it will still be on this week. I plan to go Friday. I don't know who all will be there, but we still need to have it. I'd like to see Matt's idea come to pass and have Joanne and Tim there, but if not I hope someone will unlock the door for those of us who will be there. Well, night all. God bless.

In Christ,

Let me tell you, this is 100% true... it's kinda creepy to think about, but it just goes to show you that God is real and he does work in people's lives. I'm not gonna take time to preach at you, cause I don't do that, but think about all this real hard next time you are going through some trials