The Head

This is my head... not as much as you thought would be in it, huh? Oh well, here you will find anything my little mind is able to think up. Don't be afraid... most of it is harmless. However, you may run across some objectionable content. If you don't agree with my views or what I put up here, fine, that's ohkay, I can't tell you that you have to agree with me. I'm only asking that you don't bitch about it till the end of time. This is me, these are my views, live with it.

The Day-to-Day -this is my Blog, whatever goes into here is what I am feeling at the time of typing it, it will give you more insight to the things that goes on every day of my life, and I'll have the occasional funny comment
Flashbacks -things that have happened before I made this site that you all should hear about, expect a lot of bitching on my part and a lot of boo hoo my life sucks, I'm a big baby
Obsessions -the general "things" that I am into, these are what I like at the moment