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simply Thoughts
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
simply Thoughts
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: up close and personal

simply Thoughts is my personal blog, my medium to expressed my thoughts over the matters affecting me and my silly little world.
It's been ages that i haven't written anything in any form of journals whatsoever.
Somehow I find writing simple thoughts in my journal before makes me sane. Well... normal. Normal in the sense acceptible or at least digestible to the vowels of so-called normal society where I live in. 
  My name is Lika. After 10 years of finding myself, I still found myself lost in oblivion. I am still wondering what i really want to be.
Honestly, I dont find myself worthy enough to be called an author or writer, but since I am the one writing in this blog, I guess I have no choice but to use them. 
LOCATION: Unknown (Lost) 
I am currently learning how to make digital art. 
I'm not that good in technical drawings or in any mediums whatsoever, yet im trying to pick up some courage to learn.
Hopefully bit by bit everyday. 
HUMAN CLASS: Ordinary girl without ambition
My intention why I started writing in this blog is maybe to find myself in the process, to develop at least a simple skill in art as well as understanding new art (digital art). 
To those who'll be able to read from my blog, please bare with me if my English is not good. Feel free to correct me and comment on my blog if you feel sensible enough.
Hope you'll enjoy a little bit of me.

Posted by psy/maharlika7 at 12:59 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 3 October 2012 9:10 PM EDT
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