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Just some things about me, cause after all this is a site about me. I have many different interests and they do differ from many other people. I am not the conventional type of person, or even the 'typical' guy for that matter, approaching me with that frame of mind is a mistake and i will 'learn ya' for that. I am a pretty sharp tongued and smart, for my part and i take no pleasure in joining with the rest of male society in degrading myself into an asshole.

I am Warren Keith Douglas II..or for some that know me as such..Warren Keith Gideon Douglas II. There is a lot to me and i hope you get an interest in this.

With those things down and you getting a picture of what i really look like, because the picture that is up is quite old, senior picture from the Class of 2002 of Maranacook High School. More than 3 years later i definitely look different. Up until recently i had a pretty well groomed head of hair and a goatee to go along with it, med sized side burns, many liked my appearence. I still have most of my piercing, up until i leave then they have to come out for good, atleast until i get back. For immediate refence to where they were in case u were wondering, 5 in the left ear, 1 lebrea hoop, 1 in the left nostril, 1 tongue, 2 nipples, etc i am sure you get the idea, all matching steel for a hard kinda guy!

I am also an accomplished and published poet, my works are all over the net and inside of several collaborated books. poems about love and life, darkness and death, and my most heartfelt subject: lonliness! I have a lot of different material and a whole well of emotions to pool them from, my life has had its share of pain and anguish that would make many cringe in fear and retract in morbid sadness...but alas i am well off and a rich individual indeed. You will get to wallow in my sorrow with a few of my poems in another section include on my page..I hope that you like them, no new material as of yet most of them are older, several years and some recent, i will try to provide a date with them and i gurantee you some new material before i leave.

Some More Things About ME!

Still here? Wanna know more about me...well good cause i love to share, i am not shy!

I am into all types of music, i pretty much listen to all styles, but there are a few i types i will listen to on any occasion more than any. i like Some Hip Hop, mostly the old school stuff by Biggie, or Pac, Run DMC and the Beasties..even some Grandmaster Flash! Some of the more up to times Rap though that i do frequent are: 50 Cent, Lil' Wayne, Akon, Lil' Jon, Ciara, and some Bow Wow, Game, DMX(older but good) The list goes on and on..i won't bore you. Other stlyes are Reggae, big fan of Beanie n Elephant man...YEEEEYAAAAHHH! ^_^ I love Country music, after all it was the backbone for all modern and up n coming music, especially rock n roll. I love rock n roll lots, emo and new wave, indutrial and punk, garage and ska..all that depending on the artist and how the music they make appeals to me. If there is any style that keeps me riveted it would be Thrash, Metal, Hardcore Metal and Death Metal. i love the brutal screamin' shit, gets the blood pumpin and the head a poundin'. Nothing like metal to keep you on edge and put a fire in your voice. Some favs of mine are Pantera, and Anthrax...Pig Destroyer, and Slipknot..Hatebreed, Slayer(met them^o^) and that is one of the biggest lists that just goes on forever cause i am always finding new Hardcore metal music...god i love it!! Oh a quick shout out...KITTY FUKIN RULZZZZZZ!! K then.

More About ...ME!!

Don't you think there is a lot of things about me? Told ya, if ya want the whole picture then read on, i will paint ya a pretty one!
I am currently 22 years old, born on December 14, 1982 in Portland Maine to Debraline J. Smith and Warren K. Douglas, i have one older sister, Faith R. Douglas(26) and one younger brother, Zachary W. Douglas(18). I have lots of relatives on both sides of the family and one niece directly from my sister, my niece, Paige is 9 and is smart as can be, tall like a Douglas and sharp tongued like a Smith. I can't say what side i really take after cause it is known that with me i am a combination of the best aspects rolled all into one, making me a very interesting person indeed. I don't have any kids but plan on it in the future a few years down the road, provided i find a girl who can satisfy me in all ways and eventually settle down with me to that future. I am one of a few Douglas's from a long line of people/ancestors to live here in America, i am almost totally Scottish in blood, heralding from the Douglas Clan dating as far back as the 13th century, so far. And if its one fact that i flaunt its that one cause i am proud to be a Douglas!
I just recently back in July got out of a very serious relationship of 2 years with one of the greatest loves of my life, but sadly it had to end, Amanda i will always love you with all the strength and heart that i posess.

(Just a pic of us more than a year ago @Xmas)

I have known many loves in my life and they know who they all, you all will never be forgotten, cause they have helped keep me sane in an insane life, and kept me alive when all hope has failed and all seems lost. I spent the better part of my years growing up in an ever changing environment, i am a military brat, and as such have travled to many different places. I have had a childhood very few have, a luxury of travel and exotic places, but a life or picking up and starting over time and time again. Its very damaging to a child in this crazy world to go through many moves and friends and loss of family, but somehow i have managed and moved on to become the man i am today.

And with that i am even in the military myself, many reasons are evident but my friends always want to hear them for this is a crazy world with all the things going on and people dying everyday to natural disasters and the current war on terror, i am becoming a part of it in my own way. I leave for my Basic Training on the 3rd of November 2005, all the way down to Fort Jackson, in South Carolina, and after that down further to Fort Benning in Geogia for the completion of my AIDT training. Then, god willing, 25 weeks later, back home to Maine and off to school, because school is one focal point to this massive career change. Oh and theres the opportunity of a lifetime of travel, good pay, free schooling and many other benifits that all seem more than worth the effort of making a diffrence in a cruel and hard world.

Hopefully as some of my friends read this, you all will understand why it is i do this, to better my life, myself and my confidence. To uphold my beleifs and the will to live in a place that is in constant conflict. I will never give up in life, its a lonley one and hopefully i find someone who can rock my world, give me what i need and find confort and solace in my embrace, and spend the ever hours of eternity with me. Peace out for now, see you all on the flip side, i will return to update, keep up with me cause there is no telling when i will stop, i can go on and on! ^o^

Thanks for stopping by..hope to have more up before i leave for my basic training and AIDT training. Hope what is here has helped you grasp who i am..anything but what you think unless you know me in person the way i really am. Don't get me wrong, i am a great guy, i know cause i have been told so, so don't let my boyish good looks fool you, i am a deeper and more heartfelt person than i appear at first, and from my pic...i am no 'good boy' type. HEHE

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