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~Please Help~

I've emailed every womens organization, volunteer organization and church I could find with no luck before I thought to make this page and have people read it. Im a 30 yr old woman with 2 kids, my son lives with me in Va Beach. My daughter lives with my mom in Richmond. I moved in with my granny 2 stay long enuf for my dad to get a place for me & my son & him to live. After I got there, my grandmother got in a wreck & broke her collarbone, I had to stay the 6 months it takes to heal. During the 6 months, alzhiemers , diabetes, & congestive heart failure set in. I took care of her but I knew I could leave soon. Then I get a phone call, it was my dad's sister, he had shot & killed himself. So I had to stay with granny. I just didnt know I wouldnt be able to progress at all with my life. I had been taking care of my disabled granny for 5 years, no help from her 4 children. I had no liscence & no vehicle the entire time & still dont. Was very hard 2 keep food in the house with no ride to the store & I had to beg them to take her to the doctor visits. I had to make sure my son did good in school, nurse her & try to take care of myself. In May, I moved to Va. Beach to be with a man i met online, & gave my family fair warning so they could plan what to do for granny. They told me if I go, dont ever come back. They were mad that they had to take care of her themselves. Now they take turns taking care of granny. I've been in Va Beach almost 5 months now, & I have found out that the man I live with is almost blind, & can only hear out of one ear. He hid those things well b4 we got here. He has 2 kids that call me mom & mean it, because noone gave a damn about them before. So everyone depends on me. He wont let me sleep, he wants to talk me to death because he is so afriad I'll leave him if he doesnt know every thought I have. That may sound funny, but if you havent slept for 3 days, & have 5 people depending on you, its 2 much & you lose your mind. We have to get out of here & we have nowhere to go, no friends here or Richmond, & family that hates me for leaving. Worse, my 13 yr old daughter is in Richmond & needs me right now. So I feel like I'm sacrificing my kids needs for his. I can get my liscence back for $2200, But have no car or sitter so I cant work,I found a side job a month ago, the guy picked me up & the roomate babysat, I tried to save money & my b/f stole it (he thinks I dont know that). Richmond is my home & where I need to be & I am stuck here. I'm asking if anyone could help, maybe someone is giving a car away to charity, maybe someone or some group can help with my liscence, maybe someone owns a house in Richmond that they dont live in...any light at the end of this tunnel is help........ The internet is the only resource I have, or i wouldn't do this. I'm already embarassed , you don't need to message me just to insult me, I didnt waste that much of your time. Thank you in advance if you know of any way to help or can point me in the direction of someone who can.

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