Jacara's HomePage for the BoReD

Jacara's HomePage for the BoReD

I have died,
But that’s alright,
I just hope,
To reach the light.

Hi. I'm Jacara and this is my first try at making a web page. Honestly I never knew I could make one. Apparently that means I've been living under a rock for the past 17 years. Well, I'm out now so beware. To tell you a bit about myself: I'm a 17 year old female living in small town British Columbia. I snowboard, listen to all types of music, enjoy swimming, watching movies and hanging out with my friends. I currently have a boyfriend, the first in about 2 years. I also am a bit of an insomniac. Basically this all means that I'm BORED. So hopefully sometime while you too are bored you will run across this page and have a few moments of enjoyment.

There is really no point to this page but I love the idea of being able to put whatever I think out there. Even if it is only to the 5 people who ended up here by mistake. I don't have any wisdom to share on any particular subject but on occasion I will try to post some of my current projects. These projects I tend to start out with a lot of oomph but they sometimes just don't get finished. For me, the joy is in the beginnings.

My newest idea is to build myself a chess board. I want to use 1 inch ceramic tiles (32 blue and 32 black) to make the basic board and put a 2 tile thick layer of purple tiles around it as a border. It will all be grouted (sp?) to the top of an inexpensive wooden side table. Perhaps it is a crazy/bad idea but I like it. Seeing as any visitors cannot yet comment that's all that matters so far. Comments on how this project turns out should appear in about a week or two.

Ah well. I found my tiles and the table for them. They are blue, black, and white. Sadly I miss-sized it so that my chess board would end up as 9x9. It shall be fixed, one of these days.

Places to GO and Things to SEE when there is NothinG better to Do

whos alive and whos dead
alien adoption agency
internet movie database

Alice in Wonderland

(Alice wanders into a clearing in the forest which is very tall and makes Alice look very tiny. She pops some pills into her mouth.)
Alice-What’s going on here? This place is outta it.
Mad Hatter-Hello to you!
March Hare-Welcome, welcome. Have some tea. Sit down, sit down.
(Hare is smashing things around the table that is set up in the center of the clearing. It looks like there has been a huge party with dozens of people there from all the cups.)
Dormouse-Oh! What? What? Who’s there? Leave me alone, go away!
(Stabs up with his umbrella. The Hare drops the lid back down, but it bobs up and down a few times before settling down.)
March Hare-Oh dear. Pardon me.
Alice-What is going on? Is there a mouse in that teapot? This is just to much to take.
(Alice sits down and starts to cry into her hands.)
Hare-What’s wrong, what’s wrong?
Alice-This is all crazy. My life is falling to pieces and on top of it all, I’ve gone nuts.
Hatter-Now what do you mean by that? This is not crazy and neither are you. That might be your problem, but what’s so wrong with your life? It can’t be that bad.
Alice-Yeah? Not that bad huh? Well, I’ll start at the beginning. My mom was addicted to crack. She was whoring to support her habit. That’s how I came along. My dad was just another John. The only thing different about him was that he left her with me and AIDS. I think my mom hated us both equally. I’m lucky I didn’t get ‘em.
(Grabs the teapot with the mouse.)
Alice-OH!! Sorry!
(Grabs another teapot and pours herself some tea. She takes a sip.)
Alice-I grew up poor. Quit school in grade eight. All the kids bugged me about my mom and the bruises her “Boyfriends” left on me. Like I could help who I got born to or what my mom did. Besides, my mom was getting real sick by then and she needed me at home. By the time she died last year I was so sick of that place, I had to get out. I started moving around, living on the streets. Then one day this white rabbit runs by and I followed it down a rabbit hole. So here I am with you crazies.
Hare-Oh dear, oh dear.
Hatter-That’s terrible.
Alice-Now I don’t know what to do. There’s no point in living. There’s nothing on Earth for me.
Hatter-You said there’s nothing on Earth for you!!
Alice-I know. You don’t have to make me feel worse about it.
Hatter-But, you see, we are in Wonderland.
Alice-Yeah, so? What’s so different about wonderland? It’s the same everywhere. No matter what.
(The Cheshire Cat has slowly faded in on the table while Alice was talking.)
White Rabbit-I’m late, I’m late, for a very...
(The White Rabbit runs in and Alice, startled, throws her tea on him.)
Rabbit-What is going on here?
(The Rabbit splutters and tries to dry himself of with a napkin, which doesn’t work so well.)
Dormouse-There is entirely too much noise here!!
(Dormouse wanders over to where the Cat is laying and, having his eyes closed, walks right in. The Cat smacks it’s mouth closed)
Alice-Where did you come from? Why you beast! Let him out of there right now. At once!
(While Alice is talking you can see the shape of the Dormouse walking down the Cat’s spine to the tail, which is acting like an umbrella that is opening and closing.)
Cat-I wish I could! Excuse me for a moment would you please.
(The Cat disappears, taking the mouse with it.)
Rabbit-This will never do! The Queen will have me beheaded! This cannot be. I’m late! So long. Gotta run.
Alice-Wait! We’ll come with you.
(Alice has been growing large for quite a while and as she gets up her chair breaks.)
Alice-Oops. I’m sorry. Ah well, let’s go!
(Alice takes an animal under each arm and begins to follow the Rabbit through a break in the trees.)
Hatter & Hare-What? No!! The tea, put us down.
Alice-Don’t worry the tea will be there when you get back. This is actually exciting! But what was that about the queen beheading you, Mr. Rabbit?
Hatter-The Queen! She’ll have us thrown in the dungeon! We can’t go, please just put us down.
(Alice stops and looks upset.)
Alice-You don’t want to come with me? I thought we were friends. Don’t you want to show me to the Queens place? It might be fun...
Hare-Alright, alright. Only because you asked us to.
Hatter-We’ll come.
(They get to a tiny little door and Alice has to eat a bit of mushroom to fit through. On the other side is the Queens palace.)
Alice-Oh, its beautiful. I’m so glad we came. I wonder if the Queen will let me stay here. You were just joking about the beheading bit, weren’t you?
(The Queen appears.)
Mad Hatter, March Hare, & the White Rabbit-Uh oh.
(To make a long story short, Alice and the Queen fought it out and Alice got to live happily ever after in her drug induced world with all her friends. That is after the Dormouse managed to get out of the Cheshire Cat. The Queen got beheaded. The end.)