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Staci's Place

Staci Trail

Short Biography

Well, you already know my name so I'll go strait to the other stuff. I've lived in Dublin my whole life and currently residing with my parents and sister (well, until she moves out again this fall). I have two dogs and two cats: Nola my Chihuahua, Alex my Great Pyrenees, Kelly the black calico cat, and Patches the white calico cat. I'm taking this web design class to help myself become a better web designer and to learn how to use different progrmas such as Dreamweaver. I self taught myself HTML and have been working with it for about 4 years. I'm definitely not an expert but I can hold my own when it comes to making pages.

Current Interests

Computer gaming
Web Design
Playing my XBox
Chillin' with my friends

IST Assigments

#6 Searching the Web
#10 Home Page without Frames
#11 Frames and Home Improvement
#13 - FTP & More Pages Assignment
#15 Web Project - Community Animal Hospital