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News & Updates

Last Updated: July 18, 2003

Insane Psycho Killers

Hello and Welcome to the Offical site of the Insane Psycho Killers! We are made up of loyalty, pride, and of course mad skills! Please feel free to look around and explore our site.

Latest News

Hey Guys this is the new IPK site, obviously its not done yet. I have finished putting the navigation pages, all i got to do is edit them. I also got a members table, I might be getting a new one though. I also have to work on the IPK pages. We almost done here people!!!

Upcoming Matches:

Hey folks! yes we have a match! Against <[EC]>. The format is 5 vs. 5, Time: 1:00 p.m. Central 2:00 p.m. Eastern, best out of 3 first to get 100 kills. {IPK} has accepted the challenge with out question!! {IPK}-KrazyKilla will be carefully choosing players to play in the match. -Thank You

Written by: {IPK}-PsychoManiac

I would like to thank Steve for helping me make the site.


Subject: New Member
Date: July 15th
Posted by: webmaster-PsychoManiac

Ok we got a new member he is {IPK}-Eviljazz, Welcome to the team Eviljazz! Were glad to have ya!

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