May 24, 2003

Good lord, it's a sheep attacking Chau! >> Click!

Chau and the sheep >> Click!

It's Chau and the turtle >> Click!

Me and my ladubug! >> Click!

Chau, me, and the beanie buddies >> Click!

Chau doing the victory sign upside-down >> Click!

Disturbing picture of Chau >> Click!

Me and Chau >> Click!

Chau with fake hair >> Click!

Chau playing with her fake hair >> Click!

Picture of the mirror with me and Chau in it >> Click!

May 04, 2003

David with cards... :D >> Click!

Yara smiling again~ >> Click!

Scott from Biology... I don't think he knew I was taking a picture >> Click!

It's Emi looking away... and a disturbing picture of Yara... Eheh >> Click!

Err... it's Justine with a red shirt? o.O >> Click!

Me doing a victory sign >> Click!

Emi and Maggie doing the peace sign at each other >> Click!

Our cool Math teacher, Mrs. Riddle! >> Click!

Awww... Ish Maggie and Emi! >> Click!

Maggie with one of the flowers from math class >> Click!

Lunch fight with Justine, Monica, and Suzy >> Click!

Kawaii piccie of Monica ^^ >> Click!

Justine was there... I was taking a picture of Mariam in secret >> Click!

Justine, Monica, and Suzy again >> Click!

David's glaring.... >> Click!

Okay, now it's Maggie holding ALL the flowers >> Click!

Me and Emi >> Click!

Emi's workin'... or hiding, I forgot >> Click!

It's Janice with a cow! I'm serious... >> Click!

Chau and her balloon on her birthday. ^^ >> Click!

Yeah! Asian trio again! >> Click!

April 20, 2003

Wow, it's Chau thinking! >> Click!

Innocent Maggie... >> Click!

Yeah, Chau so strong... [I'm not joking...] Click!

Eeew! Justine's food >> Click!

Whadd'ya know... it's me! >> Click!

Whoo hoo! Janice! >> Click!

Janice, Maggie, Chau, and Sally >> Click!

Me doing a peace sign... >> Click!

Me and Maggie in Health >> Click!

It's Justine... and Chau's back... ^^;; >> Click!

Suzy and Justine >> Click!

The REAL Suzy and Justine >> Click!

Aww.. Sally's so cute! >> Click!

Chau upclose >> Click!

Errr... Chau's happy? >> Click!

They were posing a different picture, but I took it from the side >> Click!

Wondering Chau... >> Click!

April 17, 2003

Nice piccie of Justine and her peace sign. ^^ >> Click!

Good picture of Brandon >> Click!

Brandon and Maggie! >> Click!

Freaky picture of Chau o_O; >> Click!

Brandon... pointing >> Click!

Me and Justine... in an awkward angle >> Click!

Justine about to hit Chau... Click!

So violent! >> Click!

Brandon and me >> Click!

Look... it's Brandon again! :: Sweatdrop :: >> Click!

You can't really see, but it's our lunch group >> Click!

April 05, 2003

Maggie, Sally, and Saaya in Health class >> Click!

Emi and Maggie doing peace signs... in the wrong direction >> Click!

Asian duet! Maggie and Emi! >> Click!

A hand's covering her face.. but we know who she is... >> Click!

Aw, don't hide, Sarita! >> Click!

Maggie working on our stupid TAKs stuff >> Click!

Suzy and Justine! >> Click!

Maggie, with Sarita on the background >> Click!

Funky picture with David and Borna acting... weird >> Click!

A nice picture of Yara smiling >> Click!

Asian trio: Maggie, me, and Emi >> Click!

Look! Maggie! (again) and Emi in the background >> Click!

Emi hiding her face... Maggie's smiling, yet again >> Click!