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Delightfully Twisted
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Cats and Firetraps
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: WKEE FM *at work so just online radio grrrrrrrrrr*
Ok maybe by the title of this post you can imagine the wonderful story behind it. But I'm going to lead up to it with the full long winded story. It will be rather like my sister's stories. Lots of running around in circles and about an hour and a half later finally getting to the point. So, before boring you with just this little introduction I'll get straight to the point, or rather, the story. *wink*

So two weeks ago me and Josh got an apartment together. We were up there cleaning and my best friend Kelsey calls and wants to come see my new place. So she comes up and her sister is with her and asks if I'll go to the liquor store for her and then we'd all go back to her place and have a couple cocktails. I said sure and she followed me and Josh over there. Well I turned left too soon at the railroad tracks a block away from the liquor store and hit the tracks at just the right angle off the should of the road and put a 2 inch dent in my rim. Josh is feeling guilty because he was the one to tell me to turn too early. So me and Kelsey left him and her sister to change the tire and went to the liquor store. Well they left when we got back and me and Josh are stuck in a bad part of town with know light and a tire that refuses to be changed. Well fortunately a guy stops and lets us use his sledgehammer to get the tire off.

Why a person is driving around with a sledgehammer at 9:30 at night I don't know and don't even want to speculate but it was fortunate for us. Well he left and then another nice person stopped and shown his lights on us and blocked traffic while we finished changing the tire. I missed 2 days of work while I was having my rim replaced which sucked because my last check is going to be really short and I really need that money.

Ok so the next Monday I go back to Huntington with my parents to get my furniture up there. Daddy almost got his fingers chopped off by the window we now call the "death trap" because he lifted it up to let in a breeze and it came crashing down. Then my mother goes through the house and points out four burnt out outlets. She asks me why I didn't notice them before I signed the lease and I told her I know nothing about electricity. She then asked me what I thought the black marks on the outlets were and I just simply said "I just thought they missed painting there." She got this look on her face like I was a complete idiot and started laughing. Well then there is the switch that wont turn on the light even though there is a brand new lightbulb in there and the other switch that gets too hot to touch if you leave the light on for more than 15 minutes.

So I am literally living in a fire trap. Gotta call the landlord about that. If he wont fix it I think a nice chat with the county firemarshall will get it fixed.

Ok. Now to the cats. Josh has two cats that I fell in love with. Well we took them with us when we moved. Aurora is so scared to death all she does is hide. The first night I had them there is was just me and them because Josh was at work. Well Aurora disappeared and I searched the apt top to bottom many times until I was in tears crying "Josh is gonna kill me! I lost his cat like I lost my fish!" (I really did lose a fish. I went to the gym one morning came back and it was gone. I never found the fish. It never smelled and we didnt find a carcass when I moved out. I still have no idea where the fish disappeared to.) Well I finally found the cat behind the hot coils on the back of the refridgerator curled up in all those wires back there. Well i got her out and she went and hid again.

I said fuck it and started unpacking. Well I got all my clothes in the dresser and was closing the last botton drawer and it jammed. So i pulled it out and pushed it in as hard as I could and I hear this shriek and the cat zips out from under the dresser and runs and hides in the bathroom. Josh accused me of trying to kill it. :( But yeah the cat has been hiding most of the week and wont come near me anymore.

Other than the cats and the fire trap all is well. Hope everything is well with the world and with anyone reading this. I'm back to work. 2 and a half more nights of this hell and im free. YIPPIE!!!!

Kinky nightmares,

Posted by Leah at 4:03 AM EDT
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
One of those days
Mood:  irritated
I know its been awhile. I'm still here. Sometimes I want to add an "unfortunately" to the end of that. But what can I say.

I'm still seeing Josh. That is the best part about this whole summer. we are going on the 4 month mark in July. Finally made it past that 7 day trial period. And I really do love him.

I'm working for an ambulance service this summer as a night dispatcher. It's ok work. I don't have to do alot, but there is so much that I can get into trouble for. I'm doing my best and so far my best is great. I'm just hating a lot of the people here. Especially the guys. I hate it. All they do is fucking flirt with me and try to make passes at me. I've told them I have a boyfriend and I'm very happy with him, but they still make passes, flirt, and be the horrible perverts they all are. I'm really looking forward to July 31 when I go back to Huntington and move in with Josh. Then I don't have to deal with these people.

Everything here pisses me off and I am normally a happy person. But I leave here crying in frustration every morning and nobody cares. I'm about ready to ask for hazard pay. I used to like my job, but now I hate it. I dread going to work. It makes me stressed out every time I think I have to come back to this place.

But beggers can't be choosers so I'm stuck here until the end of July. I can do it. At least I hope I can.

Until Later then,

Posted by Leah at 1:24 AM EDT
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Life is good
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: sugar by trick daddy
Hey guys, sorry its been awhile, but I've been pretty busy. Between school and the new bf I've had no time for the computer.

So yeah, the new bf. He is the male version of me. I think this is the one. At least I hope so. I know. I know. I've said this all before, but I really think this is the one. He treats me like a princess and tells all his friends he finally met a woman who can agravate him as much as he agravates me and he loves it. He is a total sweet heart and cant stand to be away from me. We are going slow tho.

He is a baker at a donut shop. So I get all the free coffee and donuts I want. I keep telling him I'm only dating him for sex, money, and coffee. He laughs. I'm happy. Thats all that matters right?

I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck.

Love ya,

Posted by Leah at 11:49 PM EST
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Not Meant To Be
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: American Idol Night!
Well Brandon was obviously not meant to be. Damnit. I cannot get past the 7 day trial period. I get a guy. He's great. We go out for a week and as soon as the 7th day hits BAM its over.... Pisses me off. If this was just a random occurrance I would brush it off and say the hell with it. But its not. Its every fucking guy i go out with. What is going on here? Any suggestions? Comments? Advice?

Whatever. Singularity is my permanent state I guess. I'm not gonna get so worked up over the next one. Going back to my old philosophy of use em abuse em and take them for everything they are worth. Good philosophy. Too bad I want more than that. But I'll play the bitch for a little while longer and see what develops.

I got too much going on anyway for a relationship.

Yeah, Leah, tell that to yourself enough times and maybe you'll believe it.

Fuck it, I'm outta here,
Later kids,

Posted by Leah at 8:55 PM EST
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Happy Times
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Martina McBride - My Baby Loves Me Just the Way That I Am
I haven't felt like this in the longest time. I feel special and loved and like nothing in the world can go wrong right now. I met the most amazing person. His name is Brandon, and he is just amazing. Wait I think I already said that. LoL. I'm head over heels already I think. Nevermind, I know. I hope and hope that he feels the same way. I want this to go somewhere. I've gone out with him twice now. Last night we went to a country club and taught me some dances. Then we watched The Shining. Wonderful first date movie. HEHE. Wait it gets better. I was supposed to meet him at this gas station. And I went the wrong way on the interstate. I was halfway in the opposite direction before I realized what I'd done. I was half an hour late and thought he would be mad. On the contrary, he was out looking for me thinking I'd got lost. :) It was great.

Tonight he took me ice skating. I've never been ice skating before and I did fall. But we just laughed and had so much fun. He makes me happy. He is constantly smiling at me and watching me. I just want to run with this as far as I can. Forever if I can. Tonight he dropped me off at my dorm and walked me to the door and kissed me.

There is this thread of anticipation and excitement that is running through me every time I'm with him and every time I think about him. It's like I have no idea what's going to happen next and I can't wait to find out. I wanna just jump right in. My friends keep telling me to be careful. To not get hurt again. But I haven't felt like this in years. It feels so good. I know I need to be careful but I don't want to be.

I hope this decision to run with this doesn't come back and bite me in the ass. That would be horrible. Wish me luck.

Good night,

Posted by Leah at 11:20 PM EST
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
New Revelations about Hickies
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Good Charlotte - Just Wanna Live
Well here is something that I found out that I think everyone should know. I know how to get rid of hickies in 5 to 20 minutes tops. This is a revelation of gigantic proportions. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. Somebody has sometime either given you a hicky that you didnt want or you forgot you had one and wore your hair up by mistake. People (especially me) have tried to cover it with a bandaid, tried to use concealer, toothpaste, or baking soda. Nothing works. Anybody who has had one knows this. And if you are like me than the absolute worse thing has happened. Case in point, you get a hicky on Monday and have a day 2 days later with a person who isn't the same person who gave you the hickey. Disaster.

So, if nothing works, how do you get rid of them, you ask? A fine tooth comb. Seriously. Here's what you do. You comb the skin where the hickey is and comb outward from the center. You have to press hard. And I'm not going to lie to you it hurts like hell. It will look worse for a few minutes because you have to press hard, but what you are doing is pushing the blood vessels back from the central location so they arent so concentrated. depending on how hard you are combing you can get it gone in 5 to 20 minutes.

Don't believe me? Try it. I'm fucking serious.

I'm out for now,

Posted by Leah at 3:34 PM EST
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Fun Times
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Destiny's Child- Soldier
The one thing I like about dorm living is the floor programs. Like decorating the door to our suite. Everybody just gets craft shit and puts together "artistic" decorations on their doors. Me and my roommate did Snowman Gothic. Tacky as hell. Lots of glitter. Lots of feathers. But we played some music, everybody got together. It was fun. You can't do that in an apt.

Other interesting things that happened to me this week. Well I tried flirting with my psych professor. Then found out he was married. Damn was I mortified. I just laughed it off but I know I was blushing. Then I walked into the men's room instead of the ladie's. Which is bad enough when nobody is in there. It's even worse when there are three guys standing at the urinals. "SUPRISE! FEMALE SPOT CHECK!" They really zipped it up quick. I think one hurt himself. LOL

So that's the update
Kinky Nightmares!

Posted by Leah at 11:25 PM EST
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I always get the fuck ups
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Mest - Another Day
For some reason or another I always get the fuck ups. I went in for a root canal last month. The dentist broke a drill bit in my tooth and now I have to wait another month for a specialist to fish out the drill bit and finish the root canal.

I finally got myself out of imagination and medieval torturer mode today and went to the plasma center. I was there for FOUR hours sitting in chairs. Then she stuck me and that didn't hurt. But when I was done the girl who came to unhook me unhooked me too early, so I've been walking around feeling like I'm about to pass out for 3 hours. grrrr....

Relationships, medical procedures, class. I just can't catch a lucky break. I always get the fuck ups. And for some reason I really thing people get dumber by the day. Here's a suggestion: "STUPID PEOPLE STOP BREEDING!"

Ok I'm done ranting. I think I'll go pass out now. Now I know why people give plasma before drinking.

Kinky nightmares kids,

Posted by Leah at 8:34 PM EST
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Snow and Plasma
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: Verve Pipe- The Freshman
The question is: Why is someone like me who is afraid of needles going to donate plasma? The answer is that I'm broke. But I've been putting it off for about 2 weeks now. I keep finding excuses not to go. Today the excuse is that it snowed and the sidewalks are too icy to walk on and the parking lot is too icy to back my car down. See, totally logical.

I don't know why I don't just walk down there. I have been stuck with needles before and I give blood all the time. So why can't I get my butt to the plasma center? I'll just be getting paid for something I do anyway. Maybe it's just the SIZE of the needle? Who knows.

I just have this really horrible picture in my head of a medieval torturer strapping me to a chair and the needle isn't just a large hypodermic needle that won't hurt me, it's like a javelin sized needle and they are getting to play medieval darts and I'm the dart board. That's just messed up. I know I'm making this so much worse than it actually is. I just can't get over it.

I'm gonna make my friend go with me. Maybe they can talk me out of the giant darts. Maybe not. We'll see.


Posted by Leah at 12:36 PM EST
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Twisted thoughts for twisted minds
Mood:  mischievious
Now Playing: Smashing Pumpkins - Eye
Beginning with introductions: I'm Leah. Really doesn't tell you shit about me now does it? Guess I should go into more detail. Let's see. Twenty, single, female, not looking, so don't ask. And no that does not mean I'm a lesbian. More like sex with no strings attached. How's that? Hope it's good enough for you because that's all you are getting.

So what is this endeavor I have just embarked on that is this blog? Well, it will eventually be every little thing about my twisted little life. Every hilarious platinum blonde moment, to what I really think about my quirks, my fucked up relationships, how I feel at any certain time of the day, my take on shit that is going on, and basically anything else I care to write down.

I know this is all quite voyeuristic for people and that the reason we have these things is to satisfy our voyeuristic tendancies. I'm a psych major; I know this shit. So whoever reads this, I really hope you get a kick out of it. If nobody reads this, well I definately know I will get a kick out of it.

I'm sure as I continue writing this you'll get to know me and if you want to know more than what is here, well I'm sure there is an email link on here somewhere that will get you in touch with me.

Later kids,

Posted by Leah at 6:31 PM EST
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