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As a young child, Sodai was told he'd have to enter the milatary, as all men in the Heiwa family had before him, and thus began to train to be a soilder of extreme skill from the age of 5. When he reached age 14 he was placed in a large unit of soilders, who would soon travel over sees, to fight in a war with the country Hexon, a war which had been going on for centries. Shortly after reaching the far off shores, Sodai would prove his skill, and be promoted to the rank of captain. He would continue in a streem of promotions as he fought in the war, and he stayed in the enemy lands, under the command of his brother Masumi until he would be brought back to The landsof Xion, at age 17, to govern a small town, who's lord had recently passed away.

He would stay there, governing peacfully, until the Head General of Xions forces, Uragiri Mono would turn, and slaughter almost every one of Xions soilders on Hexons eastern shores, Masumi being one of those soilders. Sodai would then leave the small town, making his old friend, and now body guard Gadoman into the town new lord. He'd travel to Hexon with some of the soilders who resided in or near the town, and some residents who voulenteered to come with him, along with a few hundred soilders granted to him by Xions government, he would search throughout all of Hexon with his small band of soilders, searching for Uragiri. He would be 24, having spent three years searching, when Uragiri would rejoin Xions ranks. However, when Sodai returned, he would plan to kill im anyways, and soon would gain yet another reason to kill him, discovering a deal Uragiri had made with Hexons leader, Torok.The deal stated that, with Hexons assistance, Uragiri would overthrough the Xion government, and become an ally to Torok. This enrages Sodai even more, and so he'd set off, alone, to the imperial city, to confront Uragiri.

When he reached Uragiri's quarters, he would kick the door down, and rush in, with his brothers sword, which was massive, slung over his should, ready to take the mans head. Sodai made the first strike, which his opponent was able to dodge. At the instant that Uragiri had dodged the first attack he would call for help, and try to strike at Sodai. However, even though he was baring such a massive blade, Sodai moved swiftly to dodge the attack, recovering what little balance he lost in less than a second, and spinning around, holding out his weapon, which caused objects all over the chamber to come crashing down, Uragiri would not be able to dodge this hefty blow, which struck him in the head, sending him limply flying into his desk, only semiconcious upon landing. Sodai lifted his blade above his head, standing there for a second, saivoring this moment, when his foe would finally lay dead, and so he'd let down the blade, full force, slicing Uragiri in two.

The city gaurd would hear some of the crashing, and head down to the chamber in which Uragiri had sleept. They would reach it quickly, only to discover Uragiri dead, and to see Sodai fleeing in the distance. From that day on Sodai would flee from Xions soilder, whom so eagerly wanted to take his head, and would wander around foreign lands, where Xions soilders couldn't go so easily.

Sodai Heiwa
