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Satsugai's human days have been completely forogotten by him, and all those who would have know about it are long gone. For him, life did not truly begin, until his fromer king had brought him the devine gift, had made him a vampire. Sastugai was just 22, and will forever look the age. His masters name was Hofuku, and was a massivly powerful vampire, but, somehow, palled in comparison tos Satsugai's strength. Satsugai gowever, did no wish to fight his master.

Hundreds of years passed, while the humans would create there kingsdoms, and war witheach other, allowing vampires to feed on there criminals, and what not. Satsugai lived the life of a noble, with more comferts than most human kings, for his master, and king thought him a very valuable ally. However, their peace with the humans would soon come to an end, when the humans began thinking of this place as there land.

The human crusades, lead by a man named Shinsei, would soon reach Hofuku's kingdom, and strike at the capitol. Most of the city's gaurds were easily dispatched of, because of the sheer numbers Shinsei brought with him. The city was ravaged, and soon the crusade broke the caslte gate, and hundreds of soilders charged into the castle. Satsugai and Hofuku were seperated, and would not see the other again. Hofuku was running through a main hall, when he was surrounded by a large group of paladins, priests, and knights. He would not give up, and so he charged at one of the paladins, ripping ot the mans juggler vein, and moving to a near by kngiht, to which he graspsed the mans head with one hand,and broke his neck with a simple flick of the wrists. However the short conflict would come to an end as every member of the churh(The paladins and Priests) would unleash a large glowing orb, and when the shine emmited from the orbs retracted, all that remained of Hofuku was a charred skeletin.

Satsugai was in the dinning jall after only a few moment, having left a trail of dead enemies behind him. He was soon surrounded by paladins, priests, and knights, just as his master had been, however, he was not to be defeated herew, as he slaughter each and everyone of them. Shortly afterwards, Shinsei and some other paladins would enter the room. Satsugai raised he right hand into the air, and all but shinsei dropped dead, there back severed, and though Satsugai was in question of how Shinsei Lived, he would not be hit by the mans feetle attack, which he dodged by jumping to the left, and letting the humans blade hit the ground before reacting. At the instant Shinsei's blade touchd the ground, Satsugai leapt foreward, and cut at the mans throat, which was a fatal blow, for Satsugai's claws ripped his head right off. However, before satsugai landed the blow, Shinsei took out a small daggger, which eminated with a golden light, and thrust it into Satsugai, who would pass out, instead of die, and not awaken for 300 years.

Satsugai was not awakened into some unluck grave diggers stumbled unto the tomb inwhich he was kept, for they could not kill him, so they sealed him in a blessed tomb. When the grave diggers dragged the cofin which held him out of the tomb, and opened it up, they were greated with his slaying them to regain strength. Now Satsugai spends time in vampire friendly areas, trying to recruit members into a Covenant, which he would rule, as a sanctuary for any vampires who served under Hofuku, or just need a home.

