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Death-Related Links:
  • The City of the Silent: a page that looks at "cemetery culture" and has a large photo gallery.
  • The Darkside of the Web: since they were nice enough to give me a link on their website, I'm returning the favor.  This site has thousands and thousands of links to everything from cemetery sites to vampires to Gothic clothing and lifestyle sites and is nicely organized by category to make searching easier..
  • Death, Dying, Funerals, Wills, and Grief: a site that is designed to help those who have recently lost a loved one cope with that death.
  • Death and Urban Legends: a helpful site for anyone interested in contemporary urban mythology.
  •  another useful resource with thousands of links to various "dark" subjects, including other death and cemetery related sites.
  • Garden of Remembrance: another nicely done site.
  • Kearl's Guide to Social Thanatology: a very small but interesting site.  Professor Kearl discusses the influence of death on religion, art, philosophy, science and culture in general throughout human existence.
  • The Project on Death in America: if you are doing any sort of research, I would recommend visiting this site.  Their primary focus is on death and death customs in American culture, but they have links and information about a little of everything here.
  • The Texas State Cemetery: a large site that is very user-friendly and has photos and information about several prominent Texans who are buried in the Texas State Cemetery.
  • The Tombstone Traveler's Guide: a page of helpful hints, humor, and advice for those interested in exploring cemeteries.
  • The Ultimate Page of Death-Related Links on the Internet: some are educational, some are humorous, some are useful, and some are downright disturbing.
  • If you've changed your mind about leaving, then just click here to return to the main page.