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         The caption on the headstone of Anita D. Randolph (September 28th, 1969-October 26th, 1990) reads “our only beloved child.”  Though her grave is surrounded by several little baskets of colorful flowers in many layers, it is still very tasteful and very pleasing to the eye.  This girl was only 21 years old when she died and statistically, because of her age, she probably died of some unexpected sickness or in an automobile accident.  One of her parents, most likely her mother, was probably responsible for placing all of these flowers here.

         This nice little grouping of flowers accents the grave of Ricky Joe Carnline Junior (July 8th, 1975-May 1st, 1993) or "Bubba" as his nickname apparently was according to the marker.  Like Anita Randolph, because of his age (Bubba was 17, almost 18 at the time of his death), this boy probably died as a result of a car wreck or a disease that modern medicine couldn’t save him from. 

         Raymond Dale Glass (September 3rd, 1931-March 6th, 1981) was a veteran of both Korea and Vietnam.  This old soldier was probably a very brave, very disciplined man.  His gravesite had been decorated with an American flag and a small bundle of blue and rust-colored flowers. 

         This pair of graves belongs to Antoine l. Fogle (1876-1944) and Annie B. Fogle (1882-1932).  Both of the graves have matching headstones and matching pink flowers.  These graves are very neat and orderly looking and have been labeled “Father” and “Mother”.  The headstones were both very clean and they look fairly new. 

         Red and white flowers that were perhaps left over from Valentine’s Day surround the grave of Una Grace Allen (March 29th, 1910-February 10th, 1995).  Her tombstone is etched with a pair of hands clasped in prayer and a short-stemmed rose and the caption reads: “mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.”  The first thing that I noticed about this site was the row of porcelain angels.  Maybe in life, Mrs. Allen collected angel figurines or maybe whoever left the flowers here for her just thought that she needed a few little guardian angels to decorate her grave.

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